Technology Update 2021

Can´t wait to try this new version.

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I think I’ve installed Cantabile about a thousand times today while testing the new install script. VMWare snapshots are a life saver because they make rolling back to re-run the setup so much easier.

Anyway, I’ve now got Cantabile and .NET installing nicely. If .NET 5 shared runtime isn’t installed it downloads it from Microsoft and installs it automatically.

Surprised how quickly .NET 5 downloads and installs - they’ve obviously trimmed it down a lot. Check out this video showing install on a pretty much clean Windows 7 x64 VM so it’s installing both x86 and x64 editions of .NET.

There’s no ngen step in the installer at the moment. Not sure if that’ll come back since it’s been replaced with a new crossgen tool whose documentation is extremely sparse. Seems like it might not be needed since .NET 5 is apparently fast enough without it but will keep an eye out for advances in this area.

Getting closer…



Bits left in your hand?


Really looking forward to the new version though.


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Today = test, test, fix, test, test, test, fix, fix, test, test, test, test…

Also implemented this.


Quick update… still just testing, but also:


Glad to see the engine messages suppressed. That alone will be worth the update!

Thank you for continuing to improve this amazing piece of software.


Another quick update on this.

The new build is basically ready to go as a alpha release but I’m waiting on a fix to SkiaSharp that is hopefully imminent.

Also, I’ve got a busy week with some personal stuff (a funeral, family stuff and some house maintenance) and since I want to be on hand and focused when it’s released I’m aiming to put it up early next week. Stay tuned!


Alpha build available now, see here.