Actually, there is a way to do this using a “normal” rack:
In all my songs, I have a rack called MasterRack, which contains master EQs and master volume controls for my keyboards and guitar sounds. This rack has two audio input ports, called (surprise!) “Guitar In” and “Keys In”. All my racks used in songs route their output to either one of these ports. Within MasterRack, input gets processed by the respective EQ, then through the volume plugin (Sonalksis FreeG), and then routed through the master compressor and to main output (I’m currently using one stereo output for all my stuff, but this could easily also be split to multiple outputs for Neil’s purposes).
The secret sauce is now this:
Both the Volume as well as the EQ plugins have all their state behavior boxes unchecked, so they don’t get influenced by anything that goes on around them. I remote control them using MIDI bindings with sliders on my master keyboard.
When switching songs, everything inside the master rack stays as it is, since it is preloaded and no song or state changes affect the volume or EQ plugins.
Now, I’ve saved this rack with the volumes at 0 db and the EQs at neutral. When during sound check I find that I need to EQ my guitar or keys a bit, I just do this within the MasterRack, but DON’T SAVE THE RACK (otherwise these changes will stay imprinted on the MasterRack forever).
Also, I make sure NOT to save the MasterRack when closing down Cantabile at the end of the gig, otherwise my volume changes (via sliders on my master keyboard) will be written to the MasterRack - I like to keep it in neutral to begin with to avoid nasty surprises.
I’ve used this approach over the past 2 gigs with Cantabile, and it has worked perfectly - feels like a good old hardware volume fader for guitar and keys, independent of the currently active preset.
For Neil’s problem (a “studio” and a “live” preset), I’m not sure how to do this with my MasterRack approach: if you created different rack states (different volume levels) for studio and live setup, they would show up at song level, so on song change, the rack state saved with the rack would be recalled - defeats the purpose.
But maybe a nested approach could work? Create a Master Rack and then another MasterSubrack as an embedded rack within it. Then you can leave your MasterRack in the same state in all your songs and simply recall a different state of your MasterSubrack at the beginning of the gig. Since the state for your MasterRack doesn’t change between songs, Cantabile will not reload the state, so the change you have made within MasterRack (i.e. selecting a different preset for your subrack) will stay in place across all songs.
Haven’t tried it - sounds tricky, but should work 