Multiple configurations

Hi there,

can someone help me with the command line option that should create multple configurations for my set up?

I read this, but don’t understand this :The configuration to be used is specified with the command line option /config: and usually these would be specified in the short cut used to start Cantabile.

where should I put this command ? in the external tools menu?

thank you guys

Hi Sam,
What is happening here is that you can create shortcuts for Cantabile with different aliases to placed on your desktop. After this is done you can start each shortcut you created, configure the options, exit and when it restarts it will load the last known configuration you set up for it. So using the method described in the Guide I created these 2 examples.

I then selected the light theme shortcut

I set the theme to light and the audio to null ckicked OK and then exited that shortcut link

Then I did same with the Dark Theme Shortcut

Now I can start one shortcut or the other and it will load the last saved configuration for it. I only adjusted a few things in the options so bear in mind you can adjust many other aspects (midi routes , audio route names etc …) for each Config shortcut you made.
So … the original question was where do I put this command.

When you are pointed at the desktop and right click there is a selection for New > Shortcut.
That brings up a dialog box where you browse to the location of the Cantabile EXE file (usually C:\Program Files\Topten Software\Cantabile 3.0) that is the target for the shortcut. This address will now be in the dialog box. Next you type in or paste literally

/config:“a name you give”

after the previously loaded address from your browse and select. Remember to leave a space before typing your command extension and enclose the name in quotes. the example below uses “Home Studio” but it can be whatever you want.

(copied from the Canatbile 3 Guide)

when you click next a dialog box allows you to name the shortcut (it can be different than the name you gave in the first part), you then click finish and it will be saved on the desktop. Repeat for all the configurations you think you will set up.

Hope this helps …



Hi Dave,

thank for taking time to make a so detailed answer, it’s working now!
I think it was a problem with the syntax, i forgot the space before the name configuration…

So…now the question is: how many configurations…My set up is pretty complex when I’m recording (I’ll make a post soon talking about it), less complex when I’m on stage, and minimal when I’m just working my instrument. Is that a good reason for you to switch each time, or should I keep always the same and prepare some songs or state? I’d like your point of view

thanks again, see u soon for whole description of my set up & THE software…C3

ps: excuse my english

Hi Lorre,

If you use the same midi hardware and audio hardware then you should be able to use just a single setup and get on with learning about the Songs, States, Racks to understand how to create performance programs. There are lots of good folk here if I am not around that can help as you get into it, as well as much info on the site using search and guides on the main site. Best of luck with it and enjoy!


that was the main question, if hardware = configuration.

thanks for all

As long as the STRUCTURE of your setup is the same between your live, studio and instrument setup, you should get by with a single configuration.

With structure, I mean the three key things:

  • how many keyboards (single, dual setup) and external devices and thus (logical) MIDI input and output ports (independent of the specific interface hardware)
  • how many (logical) audio ports (just a single stereo output or multiple outputs) - again independent of the specific audio interface
  • what controllers do your keyboards or controller boards provide? If they are all the same in each configuration (and send the same CCs), it’s pretty straightforward, but if your studio masterkeyboard has totally different controllers, pads and buttons from your live setup, you may need some sophisticated mapping and a different background rack for each situation - this may actually require different configurations.

I work with three different physical setups (studio, live, live backup), but my MIDI and audio structure is identical for all three setups:

  • one mono audio input, called Guitar In, three stereo outputs, called (for historical reasons) Main Speakers, Guitar Out, and Third Output
  • two logical MIDI inputs (Main Keyboard and RemoteControl In), two logical MIDI outputs (VoiceLive and Remote Control Out)
  • the keyboards I use in the studio and live have the same controller layout and send the same controller numbers. When I travel light without a keyboard, I simply use any available weighted keyboard and use a Novation Launch control, which is also assigned to Main Keyboard (in parallel to the MIDI keyboard) and provides the same controllers as my keyboards, just in a slightly different format

I simply assign the respective physical MIDI and audio interfaces to the logical ports defined as above; this way, all my songs work - independently of the situation and independent of the specific audio and MIDI interfaces

Of course, not all my songs are super-complex (some are!), sometimes, I just connect my Main Keyboard to my piano rack and that rack’s output to Main Speakers, and that’s it! Will still work in all configs…

Hope this helps




Hi torsten,

very helpful in fact, as usual with your posts always so clear and complete.

My set up is (for me) rather complex, I plan to use C3 in my recording studio, as a way to unify many process.
I have 32 physical in (Antelope MP 32) + a lunchbox for tube preamp, a converter (Antelope ORION 32), and a RME MADI FX which allow 192 virtual out for crazy routing!

In this situation, I can use C3 as a powerful mutli effect (Eventide plugins), but also a router for the physical effects (Intellifex, H9 Eventide), and a way to recall and control these FX.

I have a M AUDIO OXYGEN 88 for my students (I also have a musical school), that have to be configured for them to play live, and a ICON QCON PRO + 2 extension as a physical controller for mixing.

So you can imagine that all this gears is not used on stage, but the main audio driver & preamp audio in can be, as i plan to automate 100% of the live with my band.With the RME MADI FX, the latency is about 1.30 ms in the most agressive situation, so i can imagine to use it on stage,** even for the audio routing & fx for the whole band**. Did you ever try this on stage?

For me, software like C3 are the future, as the processors will not limit us in a few years (would be nice to have a discussion with brad about it ).

I’m working on a dedicated post that will describe my set up, and coul be also helpful for people who wonder if they have to switch for C3.This way, you’ll have a clear view of my set up, the way I use C3, & the errors I’m still doing…!!

Thx for reading

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Hi Dave,

thanks for your description of different hardware configurations in C3. It works.

However, I have some problems since I wanted to use my “set list” using a “KEYBOARD” rack and media player for backing tracks with two different hardware configurations - ASIO4ALL and RME’s MadiFace XT as well as different keyboards.

When I use the same set list (10 songs) with the two different configurations I have still to switch the Stereo Output Ports and MIDI IN routes. Thus I have always to adapt racks and media player to the current hardware configuration. This seems not an appropriate handling for me.

Do I have to generate a separate copy of my set list for every hardware configuration or is there a better way to manage this?


Hi Michael,

I think I understand what you are asking, could you post a screen shot of one of your songs from the set list opened to the routing page and with the rack and media player output routes expanded for viewing? If I could see this first I can get an idea how to proceed.


I have an Input Rack and an Output Rack.

The Input Rack does KB splits, layers, etc (depending on one or two keyboards) and mixes/re-channelizes everything to a predictable norm. Rack states determine KB splits or divisions, transpose settings (haven’t used yet) and which keyboard controls what. IN C3 setup I point keyboard MIDI ins to “Top”, “Bottom”, and “Only”. In MIDI ports, nothing is assigned to “Main Keyboard”. In the rack I use Main-Keyboard-Loopback to sum everything into “Main Keyboard” and a separate “Control” with “Top” Input on Ch 2, “Bottom” Input on Ch1, and “Only” split left hand to CH1 and right hand to CH2. The split point can easily be moved with different rack states. When changing keyboards, I change C3 MIDI ports and that’s it. Except for Cntl 1 and Cntl64, all other control signals (non-note) go through the Control Input Port.

My Output Rack has a dynamics control (limiter compress, EQ, etc). Rack states can be defined by venue. I set the Output rack to be unaffected by the song. The output rack goes to Monitor (default), house main stereo (no metronome, etc), house main mono (same as stereo, but summed together), and subs.


Hi Dave and Richard,

thanks for the fast response.

Here, are two screenshots of my TOTO song in the expanded routing view: (ASIO4All-Configuration)

  1. Overview on top level

Since I am using a SUCFACE 3 Pro (Windows 8.1 Pro) the output port HEADPHONE is the only external AUDIO output port. When I change the configuration to MADIFace XT which is connected via USB I have to replace all “Output Port - HEADPHONE” with “Output Port - RME MAIN Speakers”


  1. Overview on my Keyboard rack


Hi Michael,

Go To Tools>Options>Audio Engine, it looks to me like you are naming your port names in a way that prevents ease of switching your audio driver.

here’s how the setup looks for my main audio device ASIO Fireface USB is driver selected

here’s how the ‘Labeling’ appears in Audio Ports, please note these ‘Labels’ because that is what they are to Cantabile. They are in the left column under ‘Name’. In the 'Assignment column you see the names the asio driver provided or in the case of wasapi the names they provide.

Here is my second backup audio interface

And here is how the labeling looks for it. Notice the Names column still has the same 'Label" names but the driver from NI gives different connection names for the right ‘Assignment’ column.

If the Name columns are the same from Audio driver to Audio driver then when they are used in your songs they become universal on your different drivers. No more rewriting routes each time. If is the case please post back and let us know in the event it is something else.


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Hi Dave,

thanks, the very important tip for multiple hardware configurations is to to use the same ‘Label’ names for all Audio Ports. It works!
