Corky's Guitar Amp Sim Tips and Tweaks Page šŸŽø

Hey Dave

They are also doing captures of pedal fx, which sound really good. There are thousands of rig captures, and itā€™s really time consuming looking for something you want. Unfortunately, there are many ā€œbadā€ captures, and captures of ā€œamp simsā€, which to me, makes no sense.
The newest Tonex update reduces load times and CPU usage.
As far as the Tonex pedal, I chose the software, so my knowledge is limited in that area.
I am still experimenting with NAM, and getting some good results so far.

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Please post frequent updates.

Thanks for that Corky, it sounds like you are further along than me by a lot. I did want clarify on what TONEX can capture. From the manual.

IK sells a delay stomp and a chorus/phaser stomp that are cousins of Tonex size wise but are dedicated FX units that can go on the pedal board with Tonex pedal.

The open source modeler looks very cool.

Are you using the Tonex VST in Cantabile?


Oddly, Iā€™m still not sold on the capture idea or amp sims (though found a few that are decent), but totally fine with loading Kilohearts suite of freebie FX on a laptop to handle all but the most esoteric FX chores. I still like my pedals mind you, but could skip them altogether using the Kilohearts plugins. So maybe worth a look for those looking for FX to use with ToneX and wanting to stay away from real pedals. Their pitch shifter totally hangs with my hardware Whammy 5 and PitchFork, to give an idea the sound quality. Plus their ā€œSnap Heapā€ allows all sorts of modulation schemes and routing simply not possible in hardware unless going custom built.

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Of courseā€¦ :grin:

Iā€™m intrigued by NAM, but reluctant to go there currently - seems to only be working well in a 48 kHz setup, and all my live stuff is 44.1 - donā€™t want to change my live setup just because NAM canā€™t resampleā€¦

Thanks Corky, I am still on the standalone version learning the whole deal but I get it for the most part. The stomp pedal is too cool for words if you want to travel light and want convincing tone. When you say experimenting with NAM do you mean tweaking captures or are you capturing things yourself?


Both. I am in my sonā€™s studio, experimenting with captures, and capturing local guitarists setups as well.

I am still playing with NAM, and really digging it. BUT, I am also impressed with STL ToneHUB. It has many professional captures, and other packs available. Much easier than ToneX and NAM, even though I like them all.


Iā€™m hearing both good and bad things about ControlHUB too, interested in trying it.

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I have Control Hub, looks very interesting, just havenā€™t opened that door yet.

I know the Mono-Stereo debate in Live Sound still rages on, and Iā€™ve flip-flopped a few times on it. But lately Iā€™ve become a proponent of subtle stereo processing for my guitar. Wondering what you guys do?

Iā€™ve used subtle chorus effects with ~5ms delay and low depth and ~10-50% wet, the free ADT (but it only goes down to 10ms), and I just found this one which I really like:
Wider 2 by Polyverse

It has a mono button to check compatibility or to use it as a global mono/stereo switch, plus a frequency slider to roll off stereo processing on the low end which is a nice effect.

Iā€™ve also created stereo dual-amp rigs in TH-U, S Gear etc and those are probably the best stereo effect, but the sweet spot is very narrow and not good for Live. Plus, depending on delay and amps sometimes it gets ā€œhollowā€ if you need to collapse it to mono at the board.
There are a few other ADT or Guitar Doublers out there but hereā€™s the one Iā€™ve been using for a while with a low CPU hit:

I will admit that itā€™s subtle and just a little icing on the cake. However, in one band Iā€™m the only guitar player and it does make for a fatter, more engaging mix. In another band we have 2 guitar players, and there weā€™ll pan each about 30%, and my stereo effect still holds up nicely and gives the mix more space, while still having a pretty wide sweet spot.

What is your setup output ?

Hey Corky, not exactly sure what youā€™re asking :thinking: I run a Quantum 2626 interface using 2 line outs to the board for guitar, another 2 for an EWI 4000s. I also use a Master Rack on each. Please clarify if thatā€™s not what you are asking. Thanks!

Hey Tom

I still run stereo on mostly everything, because I still use inears with one band. Since I play thru a 2x12 powered monitor, it basically shifts stereo to mono, so I run the fx a little heavyā€¦ On many songs, I use Eventide, and the presets stand out with the full band playing. I always try to thicken my sound playing live. In a much quieter band, I can see where subtle use of fx would be needed. If there is a sound guy at a venue, I would go stereo, even though you will get dirty looks. Just my 2 cents. Donā€™t know if I answered any questions, but I do agree, there is some hollow sound when pushing digital fx beyond a certain point. You seem to have it all worked out very nicely. Since I am running out to an amp, I choose the stereo without a sound guy arguing about mono.



Hey Corky, thanks for the feedbackā€¦ that makes sense. I used to use a Yamaha FRFR speaker but now Iā€™m all IEM in both bands. And that is another advantage of stereo, I get a better IEM mix. Yeah, I do occasionally get a sound guy whoā€™s stuck on mono, and I get it especially for really large venues. But for the typical club thatā€™ not really an issue. Thanks and happy pickingšŸ˜

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Hereā€™s a quick pre-Christmas goodie for the hard rock aficionados in the group: if you want to create a ā€œkill switchā€ stutter sound but donā€™t have a Les Paul (or something with a similar wiring), then this ReaJS script is for you: (877 Bytes)

Put ReaJS in the signal path from your guitar input to the amp plugin, load my script guitar_kill_switch, connect a MIDI route to ReaJS, and you can momentarily ā€œkillā€ the signal by holding middle C (note # 60). Use Cantabileā€™s routing and bindings if you want to use a different controller (e.g. a foot pedal) - I tried to keep the script as simple as possible, so no controls or parameters.

Have fun and go wild!




Nice1 Thanks Torsten.

If he got my letter, Santa is supposed to bring me standard Burst

Hi All,

New Profiler Player from Kemper. Looks like Kemper wanted to get the small profile like Tonex. But this has multi FX built in. About $600.00



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