Corky's Guitar Amp Sim Tips and Tweaks Page šŸŽø

Speaking of Nembrini, I just did the $29.00 promo code thing for Plugin-Allianceā€™s GK 800RB bass amp. I think it was released a couple of years ago. It was pretty much a nostalgia purchase because I played one all through the 90ā€™s until I replaced it with an Eden WT400. I think I was bored of the tone even though it really sounded great in our band. I bought it used with a Hartke 410 (the one with aluminum cones). I ran it in ā€œfullā€ mode to that single cabinet. Itā€™s been fun running the plugin in bi-amp mode with different IRā€™s. I always wanted to try bi-amping when I had the real amp but never had the speakers to try it. EDIT - forgot to mention this plugin sounds and plays exactly how I remember the amp.


I demoed that one and liked it. No purchase (yet) but really looking at their new MEGA plans even though I loaded up on their best plugins already. The terms of those new plans are extremely favorable.

Iā€™m just curious, do you guys put several amp sims in one rack, or do you have a separate rack for each? IIRC The load on a separate rack is negligible, Iā€™ve been using one sim per rack, and then I have one rack with all my post-sim effects.

So have you figured out a way to save a user preset of a PA instrument in for example Cantabile and then open that user preset in for example Reaper? Unless Iā€™m missing something (hopefully so) there appears no way to do this most basic task in any PA plugin.

Hey, Iā€™m just a bass player - everything at 12 oā€™clock, itā€™s all in your fingers :grinning:

@twaw - I use one sim per rack also.

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As a certified tube snob I must give a shout out to the best amp sim Iā€™ve ever played. Mercuriallā€™s take of the Bogner Ecstacy amp. Hands down the most realistic sim Iā€™ve encountered so far. Has some great tricks up its sleeves as well. Though its a 2 1/2 channel amp with a bunch of toggle switches to tweak all sorts of things, the tone stack settings persist when you change switches!!! That means if you set the tone stack for channel 2 and switch to channel 3 and set the stack differently for it, when you go back to channel two your settings are still there! Flip a toggle to configure the amp? Same thing! Cannot over-recommend trying this one.

Honorable mention goes to Softubeā€™s 1959 Plexi. Plays very much like the real deal though Iā€™m not all that thrilled with the IRs and how they sit in a mix. But it does work really well with some of my 3rd party IRs.

I may join the dark side yet!


Corky (and all guys here),

My guitarist is looking for a ā€œmore comfortable to carry onā€ effects. Reason? Heā€™s bored of his PC-based current rig.

I know this is not a software amp sim topic, the truth is that Iā€™m unable to answer all his questions. Seems like he thinks I am an oracle of everything with-a-cord-from-guitar-to-the-amp. Ok, this happens to the keyboardists, but I donā€™t know so much about the guitar hardware multieffects. Guess his budget is around 1000-1500 US$.

Please, any good hint?

Neural DSPā€™s Quad Cortex is a good one to check out. May have to come up with a few more $$ but from what Iā€™m seeing its worth it.


+1 for the Quad Cortex.

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Hi Paolo

If your guitarist is looking just for FX, the Line 6 fx pedal is cheaper, than the QC, and will have many more fx than the QC. I am a HUGE Neural DSP fan, but I do know the QC was hard to get, with a year wait. Surely it is better now. So if he is PC -based, are we talking about software, or hardware?


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If this is a hardware question, I use a Kemper Profiler which is controlled by Cantabile. Midi foot pedals load the song out of the Cantabile Set, then Cantabile loads the Kemper profile (Midi Data Transfer) and other foot pedals send midi to the Kemper as/if needed via Cantabile to change effects (Wah, Distortion, Volume, etc.).

The Kemper has the amp/cabinet portion, but also effects slots that can be filled with other models for each sound. Phaser, chorus, echo, etc. Some of these effects are modeled from Vintage gear, too.

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He wants no more laptop, audio interface, controller pedalboard, and all of the wiring. Just a good quality multi efx easy to carry on, reducing setup stress and increasing reliability.
Heā€™s currently on Line 6 Helix Native plugin, but his goal is: guitar(s) > efx > PA.

He could, for now, buy a more humble efx, replacing it with the Quad Cortex (or another high end efx) when available.
Iā€™ll tell him to do this way.

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If he is using Helix Native, then why not just go for a Hardware Helix? All of his patches developed in Native will be compatible and vice versa.


Yes Derek, thanks. He found a second hand Helix LT for ā‚¬700 (Ā£575) and thinking about it.

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New offering from IK for the ToneX universe. You load it up from the ToneX Software with your fav setups and take to the gig or studio session.



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Since the Tonex database is so huge to navigate this tool really helps. From codefn42.



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Iā€™ve been experimenting with NAM, which seems much easier to deal with.

I watch the video and it looked really nice so I installed it to see what happened (v.75). Hung my PC up 3x (No mouse movements, had to hold the power button down to kill the entire PC). Ended up ripping out. Probably something on my end, but itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve seen that type of behavior out of a program. Standalone app was what hung it 3x. Cantabile could not find it (VST3 only? I try to stick to VST2s). Iā€™ll keep and eye out because it looks very promisingā€¦

Anyone have the Tonex pedal?

Hi All,

A good friend gifted me a Tonex pedal and I am trying to learn the IK ropes for this product. If you have a pedal board this can effectively replace your amp(s) and cab(s) making the gig weight much less. For live work it is great sounding depending on the profile you have loaded. The quality of the captures is everything on this image based tech IMO. You still need your overdrive boxes and time based pedals like phaser, chorus & delay because the tech doesnā€™t handle time based FX. But for amp sim and cabinet IR stage it is very good for the money. The amount of online sharing of presets and models has exploded in the past 6 months so there are more things to try every day. The biggest issue is that itā€™s so much at once that you might end up in the vortex of auditioning forever. The database file that holds your personal library grows as you add new profiles from online and if fully loaded could be huge. I checked out the tool from Codefn42 I spoke of above and it works well and makes looking through the large databases much easier. The db file that holds the library is also editable in SQlite or other db file management software. So the basic workflow is to use the Tonex software to audition presets on the PC or from the online sharing server and then load the ones you want to the pedal from the same application, throw it in the bag and off to the show. Has good MIDI support as well for PG changes and parameters.

