Cantabile 4 Alpha Available

Curious. I’ve been avoiding using my live machine for testing—just using my studio one. There should be no differences in the platform, etc., but I will try the live machine tomorrow.

Are there any calls the audio engine makes to drivers, libraries, etc. that could be different and wind up getting called differently? Or interrupts for timing? Thread affinity/blocking?

@brad No worries, it’s fine and I like the slider indicator a lot. Thanks a bunch.


What do we think about having the slider appear on the button:

I really like that! I currently use a volume control plugin just to give me visual feedback on where my expression pedal is, ignoring its audio signal path, for better judging gradual fades etc. But with this, I could get that feedback really nicely without the plugin!



Still looking at performance differences, this time on “live” machine. Same song, simple piano/organ split. With X-Air ASIO driver.



Hi Brad
One thing, perhaps insignificant. I noticed that you have kept the same icon for both C3 and C4. Could one think of recognizing it as C4?

Hi @brad

Cantabile 4 alpha 4004, Windows 10. I have noticed an issue with displaying the waveform from a media player. When media player 1 (called “Instruments” ) has been accessed via the “edit playlist” window the waveform shows at the bottom of the screen. I can click on any other insert on the screen and the waveform continues to display. However, if I click on the 2nd media player (Percussion) then no waveform is displayed by either. The only way to “refresh” the waveform display is to enter the “edit playlist” function - then the waveform is displayed, UNTIL I click on the other media player.

Click on 2nd media player and waveform disappears

If I then click back again on media player 1 (Instruments) - the waveform no longer is displayed

Thanks for the info… just so you know it’ll probably be next week before I get time to do a deep dive on this.

Anyone else seeing similar numbers?


I thought of changing it, but I really like the icon as it is… perhaps I can tweak the color, or put a 4 on there or something. I might need to engage my graphic designer son again :slight_smile:

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This looks like a bug … I’ll get it fixed.

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Same symptoms on live machine. Performance numbers at Idle are higher even with nothing loaded. Also tried RME BabyFace I/F, same symptoms.

A 3 or 4 or a different color would be fine. The logo is great what there is.

Hey Brad,

I waited a few versions before trying it on a performance laptop that is my current rig. These are the readings from a 200 song set list loaded with about 8 GB of memory used. I ran the same song to test the load and found that it was very similar. Snapshots of the average loads are below but it was hard to take shots that really showed the load behavior on the load meter. So I need to add that both versions had the same range of loading when at idle, from 40% to about 50% with the 40% being where it spent the most time. It fluctuates a lot running the B-3X with built in Leslie so it accounts for the fluctuations in my opinion. Generally though speaking they look to be the same on my system. I did notice the CPU loads were slightly different with the new version being more hungry.


SnapShot 53


SnapShot 54

I will be trying it for a full practice session asap and will be practicing on it this week to see if anything else comes up but I am optimistic it is getting there.

Intel i7 4 Core @ 2.9 GHz
32Gb RAM
512 GB SSD System
512 GB SSD Samples
ASIO - RME BabyFace Pro @ 128 samples buffer


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@brad Timeline issue is now fixed in most recent release! Thanks Brad

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Some more things are not right …

  • the master transpose & the route control box transpose boxes only accept a change when entered manually (inc/dec doesn’t get accepted). This might aplly to all INC/DEC settings, not sure but will check further.

SnapShot 4213

  • on the data entry boxes for the customization of controller buttons the Backspace key isn’t recognized (only on the laptop, not the desktop)

  • The controller bar buttons that are permanent can transparent overlay over lay the custom buttons instead of opaque coverage.

SnapShot 4212

Hey Dave,

Checking v4005, I’m unable to recreate what you experiencing in midi and inc/dec. (I’m on laptop).

  • Global transpose: ok, including backspace.
  • All in dec/dialog: ok.
  • Controller bar buttons: ok.

I temporarily changed the icon with a silly one, taken on shell32.dll. I’ll back to Cantabile standard icon when v4 will be promoted stable.

Hi Paulo,

I’m also on 4005 and here is what I am referring to. This is the sequence of commands that lead to the issue.

open global transpose dialog

SnapShot 4215
SnapShot 4216

set it to a different value using the arrow buttons on the value box

SnapShot 4218

still no change on closing at Song level

SnapShot 4214

They do increment and decrement using the arrows on the value box but the values do not get remembered upon OK & exiting the dialog box.

route control settings default

decrement 2 semitones using arrow buttons on dialog box

OK to store

Reopen, did not store value

The Backspace Key issue is only on the laptop but these two issues are on both and I am guessing is unique to my laptop for some reason. Anyway, just wanted to clarify. :slight_smile:



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Understood. I’ll try later. Pizza time here :pizza: :slightly_smiling_face:

Sure, and on the Control Bar issue that was referring to overlap here is a pic of what I mean.

SnapShot 4227

This dragging of the right hand C3 default type control buttons used to overwrite the left hand custom buttons so the default type was always on top but on my rig it goes underneath the left hand button until you reach the width of the button and then it returns to focus at the new width annd the custom button dusappears.

SnapShot 4226

Version 3 would simply overlay the custom buttons and always be on top.

Cheers, enjoy the pizza!



Well Dave, your are right. Data modified by inc/dec buttons are not stored. This happens either in Global Transpose and in Midi Filter.

Also, Control Bar issue confirmed.