VST plugin paths

I’m interested to know how other Cantabile users have their plugin paths arranged. Up to now I’ve just had two paths, one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit plugins. I ensure newly installed plugins go in one of those paths, rather than adding new paths all the time, pointing to the default manufacturer install locations. Where software installers install both varieties, I’ve had both present in my paths (one in each folder). I get duplicates in the plugin list, but I choose carefully based on the extra metadata that comes up. How does everyone else do it? Only install the desired 32/64 bit plugin for a given instrument, and not both?


Fortunately with OPX and VB3 finally going 64 bit, I no longer have 32 bit vst’s. So I try to either not install the 32 bit variety. If I can’t prevent the install of the 32 bit version along side a 64 bit version, then I make sure C3 isn’t pointed to the 32 bit folder.

Hi Neil,
I think about a similar topic. After many installations and re-installations I have a vast complexity of installation paths for VSTs, 32, 64, vst2, vst3, … , many of them not up to date and meanwhile not necessary at all. How can I clean it up for Cantabile? How can I edit the paths that I need in Cantabile in an easy way? I know I can erase the paths one by one in the ‘Options’ or Tools menu, but this is very awkward. Did you arrive at some sort of interim solution? How do you sort and edit your VSTs?

Hi Christoph,

The best way is to decide where you’re going to put VSTs, and then always stick to those locations when you install new ones. I personally have a 32-bit and a 64-bit folder, and everything goes into one of those, and so Cantabile just references those two locations.

If you’re already in the messy situation where you have many paths, it’s difficult to clean up, because in some cases you can’t just move the plugin DLLs - you have to re-install the plugins. Perhaps it’s something you could set aside a bit of time for - uninstall all your plugins, choose new paths, and re-install everything nice and clean. You can also choose a common place for sample libraries and patches for all the plugins, which also helps keep things nicely organised.

Editing the paths in Cantabile isn’t so hard - I usually copy the whole path into Notepad or similar editor, and carefully make edits there, before pasting back into Cantabile.

Good luck!



Hi Neil,
thank you! You’re absolutely right - there’s no other alternative in a messy situation - either you clean it up or you decide to live with the situation so long as all works fine …
Editing is possible and I try to do it the way you described but something like an external “text-database” or .ini-file with one line representing one VST-path would do a little better. Complaints at a high level, I know :slight_smile:


one small hint if you use c3 x64 but need to include x86 plugins by using jbridge: if x86 and x64 folder paths are included in c3 all plugins available in both versions show up twice.

To get rid of this issue I meanwhile only point to the x64 folder and copy or install those plugins only available in x86 to this path. Cantabile & jbridge do the rest. So no doubling any more.

Regards, humphrey


Same here - I have a subfolder “32 bit” inside my x64 plugin folders and use this specifically for the x32 plugins I use in Cantabile. All other x32 plugs are installed to a completely different folder that Cantabile doesn’t see.

