Vanishing icons in main window


I observe vanishing icons from time to time. This can be rack icons, enabled / disabled pictograms, etc.

This doesen’t influence any audio or midi operation but is annoying as I can’t see the status of a routing f.e. Normally I can fix it by just close and open the window.

Is anybody out there observing similar issues or could this probably be related to my grafics?

Hi Humphrey,

Does this happen when you are editing or just switching between songs or both?


Hi dave,

to be serious: I can not say. It is a minor niggle so I didn’t really track it. I’ll have an eye on this and can also try to reproduce it.

Hi Humphrey,

After some cogitation I recalled that it’s happened to me rarely also but I can’t recall the circumstance either. Will watch for it.

Thanks! Kind regards, humphrey

I’ve not seen icons in the main window disappear, but I have occasionally seen the handle on the slider popups go missing. I caught it once in the debugger and traced it down to a lost image reference but couldn’t determine the circumstances that led to it.

Any clues on how to reproduce issues like this would be very handy.

I caught it doing a lost rack icon on a screen recording I was running trying to catch it. The whole thing is 5 minutes but i cropped it to the last minute and watched what was going on before it happened. I deleted a rack from a song with 4 song states then loaded back the same rack into a state. I then opened the rack took a look and closed it then I changed to a different state, thats when the icon disappears. It happened 3 times today but I only caught it once on video. All times it happened on a song state change. @brad Do you want the video sent through email?

Hi Dave,

Sure send it through - perhaps I can spot something.


I think I’ve finally tracked this down - found some issues here that resolves the similar issues in the slider and pretty sure this will resolve this too. Hopefully fixed in 3102, let me know if it recurs.

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Hi Brad, great.

I’ll download and give it a try. But it will take some time to verify as the issue never was reproducable for me and only happened once in a while.

Regards, humphrey

Hi @humphrey

I wouldn’t go out of your way to test this - just keep an eye out for it.

It’s very difficult to reproduce because it happens when the .NET garbage collects happens to clean up an icon asset precisely when that asset is being drawn. ie: rarely (which is why it’s taken me so long to track this down)


Yep, this was exactly what I meant: just use the latest release and report if the problem is showing up again.

Regards, humphrey

Hi, after a long time without problems I definitely had an issue yesterday again: the rack icon was gone. After opening and closing the rack everything was fine again. No chance to reproduce it.

Regards, humphrey

Hi Humphrey,

Bugger. OK, I’ll do another code walk.


Thanks, but as I said before: really not a big problem…

Regards, humphrey


2 more oddities meanwhile (besides rack icon vanishing again): in one case the icon indicating active status of midi routings vanished, then the gain fader of a rack was gone (not only the round knob but also the line).

Regards, humphrey

Thanks Humphrey.

Really weird - I’m not seeing this at all now, but used to see it quite frequently. I did another code walk but I might need to figure out another way to stress test it.
