Strange little effect in 3507/8


3508 running flawlessly so far but there was a small issue I‘d like to report: I used actual racks and songs created in 3278 (or before) and there was a song where I used Hive inside a rack. When loading this song in 3507 I found gain fader of hive inside the rack decreased by 20dB or so.

As I wasn‘t able to explain this effect I reinstalled 3278. When loading the song again gain fader was in the correct position.

Yesteday I gave 3508 a try and again the gain fader issue occoured. As I was in hurry I pushed fader to the correct position during rehearsal and then unfortunately stored everything (sorry :roll_eyes:). Of course the issue is gone now.

Not urgent (and I’m aware there’s probably nothing brad can do atm) but I thought I let you know.

Kind regards, humphrey

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Hi @humphrey

That’s very weird. Could you clarify whether this was Cantabile’s gain setting for the plugin, or a setting internal to the plugin. Some screen shots would be handy.


Hi Brad,

it was catabiles gain fader for hive inside the rack. As I stated I unfortunately stored the fixed setting - so the setting before isn‘t available any more - sorry, happend during a rehearsal and at that moment I only wanted to get rid of the problem…

But all this isn‘t a problem. If there is no coincidence with other observations simply leave it away.:sunglasses:

Regards, humphrey

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