Setting up 2 Midi controllers for one plugin

Hi everyone. I just started trying to setup Cantabile on a Windows 7-64 bit PC.
So far I’ve installed drivers for my Yamaha KX61 Midi controller keyboard and an Evolution U-Controller UC-33.
After configuring Cantabile with my Midi keyboard I setup the VB3 4.1 organ VST plugin and managed to play it from my keyboard but when I tried adding the UC-33 controller so I could use it to change drawbars on the VB3 I ran into problems.

The Midi activity on the far left of the screen shows it’s receiving from the UC-33 but nothing on the output ports.

I’m obviously doing something wrong but not sure what to look for in the manual/help files.

Can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me how to setup 2 controllers for one VSTi ?


Hi @Stkeys,

The easiest way to set this up would be to simply map both your Yamaha and the UC33 to the same Cantabile MIDI Input port. ie: Go to Options → MIDI Devices, double click the MIDI port you’re using (typically Main Keyboard) and put check marks next to both devices. This will cause Cantabile to munge the input from all devices together so it looks like one device.

The other way you could set this up is to have two MIDI input ports, one for each device and then use Cantabile’s routes to map both to the same plugin. For example, in Options → MIDI Devices, create an additional MIDI Input port called say “Controller Board” and map your UC 33 to it. Map the Yamaha to the Main Keyboard, then setup your song like this:

Note that you could name the two MIDI Input ports Yamaha and UC33 if you wanted to but the idea behind these ports is to isolate your songs from your hardware and to give the ports more generic names.


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Thanks Brad, I followed your first example and now both Midi controllers are working.

Using Midi learn in the VB3 plugin I’ve setup the drawbars to work with the UC-33 Sliders.
Is there a way to save this inside Cantabile ? Or is it something I need to address in the UC=33 controller ?

EDIT: saved it as a song and that saved everything as I needed. :o)


Following on from setting up 2 Midi controllers to control VB3 I’ve now added a Rotary effect PSPL’otary. I turned off the Leslie effect section in the VB3 plugin and can hear the Rotary effect fine but I can’t seem to control the speed of the rotary using either the Mod wheel on the keyboard or the Footswitch. ( both of which work to control the speed with the VB3 )

Using the Midi Learn function in PSP L’otary does nothing ( no Midi getting to it )

How do I fix this ?


You will have to set it up within L’otary. I had to do the same thing. Mod Wheel or footswich is not the default for the plugin. The speed, and many other controls are unassigned on default.

Hope this helps. It is from Lotary manual.


Yep, this is correct and one way to go.

A secend is to use MIDI filters for lotary: you can chose the “parameter automatisation” filter. Here you have to be aware that “speed” is only responsible for the control of the grafical icon on the surface of l’otray and for the little click noise that it produces. For really controling the speed you additionally need the parameter “lever” here - means 2 filters are needed (strange implementation…).

A small avantage is that the mapping is stored inside cantabile and not in the plugin.

Regards, humphrey

Corky, thanks for the screen shots but as I said I already tried using the midi learn feature in L’otary.
Midi doesn’t seem to be getting to it.

I guess I need to post a screen shot of how I have things setup in Cantabile but I’m not at my PC right now.

As for setting up automisation filters Humphrey I can try doing that and report back, but unless L’otary is receiving midi it’s not going to work.



Sounds like you don’t have your KX61 routed to L’otary? In this case non of the solutions we described will work…

Here a screenshot to show what I tried to explain:

In your case it would be the KX61 instead of the KX25, additionally your MIDI-controller mapped to VB3 of course…

regards, humphrey

Excellent Humphrey, I was just about to send a screen shot of my setup but spotted your last screen shot and noticed you had 2 instances of the KX21 one going to VB3 and the other going to L’otary.
I only had one Main keyboard setup connected to the VB3 then the VB3 connected to the L’otary.

After correcting my mistake the sustain pedal now switches the Rotary Speed control. ;o)

Thanks everyone for your help.

This may not be the right thread to ask but do any of you use Cantabile on any kind of Windows Tablet ? Or 2 in 1 tablet /laptop rather than Full size Laptop.


There are at least a few people who use Cantabile on Surface. Search this forum for Surface and you’ll find some posts about it. As far as I’m aware it works quite well.


In Cantabile 2 I could make midi assignments also for each VSTi.
For example: Stylus RMX. I could assign all the 8 play/stop buttons within Stylus.

In Cantabile 2 was an overview of all used VSTi in e.g. a song or subsession.
There was shown all functions of the VSTi, which I could assign.
So far I didn’t found it in V3.

Has anybody an idea, there I could make the VSTi midi assignments?

Not sure I’m completely understanding the question, but here’s some tips:

  1. The bindings panel shows all VSTs as bindable targets. eg: here you can see Dexed, FabFilter and Guitar Rig:

  2. You can also create bindings from within the plugin editor. From the hamburger menu choose “Create Parameter Binding”:

    then move your MIDI controller and move the parameter your want to bind in the plugin GUI and then hit the OK button.


    the binding will then appear on the bindings tab:


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