Send CC value to plugin

I asked a similar question years ago while running C3. However, I’m trying to reproduce something similar but I’m wondering if C4 bindings are different from C3 (not seeing what I’m seeing in the C3 videos and previous posts).

Here’s what I’m trying to do:
in a specific song I need to send a specific pitch bend value to a plug in (Kontakt | Session Horns Pro) to trigger the “fall” samples. In this case, I want to send Pitch Bend value -20 to the plug in on song load.

I found ways to translate CC’s, but not set a particular value for the Pitch Bend.

Here’s the old thread:

How about this binding:

Instead of -20, you can also use 8172 - pitch bend center value is 8192, so when you set the value to -20, it actually sends an absolute pitch bend value of 8172…

Actually, that dialog box is a bit funky when it comes to absolute vs. relative values: to get full pitch down, you need to enter -8192 (relative value) - entering “0” (the correct absolute value) outputs “pitch bend centered”, i.e. an output value of 8192. But to get full pitch up, you need to enter 16383 (absolute value). This is all a bit quirky - @brad: maybe there should be one definite way to enter pitch bend values, either absolute (0…16383) or relative (-8192…8191). The mix of both can be a bit confusing…

Best to verify the values produced using the MIDI monitor on the plugin input…

That did it. Thanks @Torsten

On a cross-note, the Studio Horns use the pitchbend to trigger the fall-offs (the greater the CC the faster the fall). They (smartly) implemented have a mininum threshold (10% or so), so for the longest fall-off I set the CC to -1000.

Yep. I’ll take a look at it. Probably need to go to 0…16383 since there are places where the bindings don’t know they’re dealing with pitch bend values that have different display vs internal values.


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My 2c on this is that pitch bend needs to presented in a way that assures the user that no pitch bend is being issued.
Minus or plus tells us how far we have deviated from 0.
Presenting the data in a way that divorces ‘0= no pitch bend’ just seems utterly alien to me, regardless of the mathematical correctness of an all plus scale between 0 and 16383