Rack And Song Management

Continued discussion from the Trello topic on the same matter…

For reference, here are the background blog posts that drove many of the decisions behind the rack and song management design:

Also, here are some relevant guides:

In particular, exported states from racks seem to cause some confusion, so here’s some more detail on that:

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I think the following point is confusing at http://www.cantabilesoftware.com/guides/states#exported-settings :
If only the second option is selected, switching songs or song states will not affect the setting, but changing the selected rack state will.

I’d understand that like I’d be able to keep rack settings/state no matter the song switching.

But since songs DO remember chosen rack’s state all the time (as far as I know), you’ll get rack state change together with song change (unless all the songs really use same rack state).

You can prevent a song from changing the state of a rack, by turning off the “Selected Rack State” behaviour on the rack slot in the parent song:

sorry if I was not clear enough

What you suggest will prevent song state to change the rack state, but when I load different song, it will change the rack state no matter the settings (just tried).

I’d suppose that if I uncheck both options, the rack state will stay unchanged until I change it manually.

(but since global rack behaves that way, I don’t need that functionality on regular racks - just the docs seemed confusing to me)

Ah I see what you’re saying and yes you’re right, atm the parent song will always select a preset on the rack when loaded.

I think there’s a use case for being able to disable this - ie: a linked rack where you’re manually controlling the loaded state via assignments, or through the UI.

Question: does it make sense to:

  1. disable the song’s control of the rack’s state on a per-song basis, or
  2. should it be a setting on the rack itself that applies to any song that references it.

I think (2) makes more sense.

I finally got around to blogging about Cantabile’s new song and rack support. It sums up the previous two posts and provides a high level overview of all the new features.

See here: Fixing Song Management Part III


Great stuff, that’s incredibly clear! And reading about it all in one go really shows just how many powerful new features the new rack/song system provides.

One question I have after reading it, regarding rack states and exported settings. If a song state selects a rack state, do any exported settings stored in the song state always get applied to the rack after the rack state is set?

Thanks Neil!

Yes… when a song selects a rack state it also passes in the exported state which is merged over the rack state, before being applied to the rack - so the exported state takes precedence.

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Great distillation of the new rack and song platform. Combined with all the other input I’m really starting to get my head around it. Thanks Brad, Thanks all…

Hi brad,

great summary and extremly helpful as the new features are really powerful and need some “brain work” to be sufficiently understood.

Thanks alot, humphrey

Thank Guys! I still need to sit down and record some walk through videos which I think will help first timers with all this… too much to do!