Problems with rack states


In my set list I have 14 songs they all have a different song state like; “She loves you intro” She loves you verse" or Give it up intro etc.
In every song I use the same racks and they are titled piano synthesizers effects etc. In every rack I have 4 or 5 vst’s.
The rack states have the same name as the song state name. So the song Boys have a songstate called Boys intro and a rackstate of all the racks is called Boys intro
My problem is that i get sometimes in all racks of one song the rackstate name of another song then original saved .So song 1 (Boys) gets suddenly the rackstates of song 4 (Girls) and these settings do not fit with song 1.

What is the trick to get it right ?


And it’s getting worse, if I try to set things right song 2, 7 and 8 are dealing with changed rack states. It go’s on and on. Cantabile behave’s like a rubik cube.

Hi Goldy,

Can you send me a copy of your song and rack files - perhaps with some simple steps on how to reproduce the problem. If there’s any issue here (sounds like there is) I’d like to get it sorted asap.


Hi @Brad,

I sometimes have a similar problem with some racks in my songs not loading the correct state on loading the song. This happens exclusively with pre-loaded setlists.

An example: I have a song “guitar tuner” that contains a Scuffham S-Gear in tuner mode and automatically pops up the S-Gear GUI (state behavior: “Editor visibility”) so I can tune my guitar between songs. When selecting the next song (which uses the same guitar rack with a different state, say “clean guitar”), the GUI disappears as planned and I can play my guitar with the correct sound. Now I jump back to the “tuner” song, and - no tuner GUI! Switching back from LiveMode to normal editing, I find that the guitar rack still has “clean guitar” selected.

Same sometimes happens with another rack “solo sounds”: I load a song that has a brass sound selected in this rack and am surprised to not hear any brass. Going to edit mode, I find that the “solo sounds” rack is still in the state “percussion” which was selected in the last song that used this rack.

Unfortunately, this behaviour isn’t consistently showing up, only intermittently… It seems Cantabile doesn’t always activate the correct state on loading a song when the rack has been used before. Not sure what drives this; must be something with pre-loading.



this sounds like the same thing discussed towards the end of this thread: Simple explanation for rack state behaviors, please

HI Brad,

I had no time last week to response on your question. I see that Torsten took it over. I saved all my song seperatly and made a new setlist, and did not use the pre-loaded setlist. Since then no problems, keep my finger crossed., it seems that the fault is in the pre-loaded setlist option.



Hey Goldy,

could you try to pre-load your set list with the newest build - for me it has fixed all issues with songs modifying others. Would be good to hear if it has fixed things for you as well or if any issues remain…



Hi Torsten,

It still go’s wrong in version 3154, so i keep my hands off from the pre-load option. Pre- load doesn’t do much on my laptop, I see or feel no difference with de non pre-load option. I was going to upgrade from 16 to 24 gb ram but I think that cantabile doesn’t use the extra ram. (Intel Core i7 - 4810MQ 16gb ram 1tb ssd.)



Hi Goldy,

Yes, the fix wasn’t introduced until build 3158.


Hi Brad,

Thamks for your reply. I will check the latest beta version.



Hi Brad,

The problem is fixed by the new version.



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