Problems running Cantabile & Cubase simultaneously

I have a new laptop and installed the current Cantabile Performer version (Cantabile 3 Build 3702 (x64+x86)) and (my meanwhile very old) Cubase Version Cubase 6.5.5 and the current version of the eLicenser software ( eLicenser Control Center
Unfortunately I am not able to run simultaneously Cubase and Cantabile. When I first start Cubase, Cubase starts normally but when I then try to start Cantabile, Cantabile doesn’t start but freezes.
When I first start Cantabile, Cantabile starts normally. But when I then try to start Cubase then I get the attached error message and Cubase doesn’t start.

With my old laptop I have no such problems. There I use the following versions:
Cubase 6.5.5
Cantabile 3.0 Build 3693

What might be the reason and the solution for this problem? Any ideas?

The reason I want to run both simultaneously is that I use Cubase in Live performance for playing backing tracks and Cantabile for perfoming the live keys.

Kind regards


Hi Bolantando and welcome to the forum,

first of: I unfortunately cannot really answer your question. Looking back I can tell that running 2 DAWs in parallel can be quite nasty and depends on good drivers / soundcard capable of doing such things.

May I ask why you don,t use cantabiles media players for backing tracks?

Regards, Volker

Are you using the same ASIO audio interface? I ask because the old one might be multi-client and the new one might be single-client, which would cause this error.


Thanks a lot for your reply, Humphrey, and your welcome! :grinning:

I don’t use Cantabiles media players because I am producing the backing tracks with Cubase. Transferring them to the Cantabile media player would mean a lot of extra work (exporting every single track from Cubase and importing in Cantabile).
Besides I use the arranger mode of Cubase to automatically jump within the arrangements for smooth song transitions during Song changing in Cantabile. This would also have to be transferred to Cantabile (if possible at all).



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Hi Terry,
thanks for asking (and for your second reply to a post of mine on the same day :wink:).

Yes, I use the same ASIO audio interface in both cases.



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O.k. I see. Same as you I use Cubase for production of backing tracks and agreed: bouncing up to 10 tracks for a single song can be quite cumbersome. Nevertheless it is acceptable for me as I don‘t have all of the hazzle when handling 2 DAWs in parallel (it‘s not only the sync aspect but also the question of limiting if one only uses one stereo out). Another aspect is the Total Recall approach which is easier if you only have to care about one DAW.

I totally understand that using Cubase in Arranger Mode changes a lot.

So I keep fingers crossed and hope you‘ll get things managed.

Regards, Volker

Hi Humphrey,
thanks for your empathy. :slight_smile:

I tested to update to the up-to-date version of cubase (in 1 month trial mode). There the problem doesn’t exist any more. That means I can run both simultaneously with my new laptop: Cubase 11 pro instead of cubase 6.5.5 and the up-to-date-version of cantabile.

But paying over 159 EUR just for getting the state I previously had before for free (I mean corresponding this issue) is not very attractive. :wink:



Yes, the old problem with Cubase updates: actually the old version is enough and the new “fancy features” you do not necessarily need. But at some point it is no longer compatible and you are forced around the back. I can tell you a thing or two about it because I’ve been using Cubase (or its predecessors for Amiga/Atari) since the 80s. I just do it so that I usually skip one or 2 versions and then wait until they are offered reduced. Then it is affordable.

With Cantabile it is different: there I actually update regularly. But that’s a different story: Brad’s service (including forum) is light years away from the Steinberg crap.

Anyway: maybe a reduced update would fit.

Greetings, Volker

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