Newb - Send program change to external synth

I’m just getting started with Cantabile, looking to send my keyboard a program change. It says to create a Binding to do it, and use Song as the source, load as the trigger. I don’t have Song as a choice for a Binding, so has this moved? Thanks!

Hi @vassaux,

Outgoing MIDI bindings like this (aka trigger bindings) are only available in Cantabile Performer. Solo only supports incoming MIDI bindings.


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Thanks Brad! Okay, I get that, but now a new problem has arisen. I turned on Cantabile today, and it asked for my license, instead of just starting in Solo. I entered email, got the license key back, entered it. Solo shows up as available, I select it, not the Trial version. I had built part of a song, with a media player, with the space bar toggling playback/pause. No matter what I hit, the file will not play back, curser never moves, no noise. I thought maybe my file had been corrupted, so I quickly made a new media player, loaded the same clip, still won’t play. What am I looking for? Thanks! chris

And that quick, I think I figured it out. The computer had done an update. Apparently, this caused some kind of problem with my TASCAM audio interface. I ran TASCAM control, and everything came back. Did a computer reboot, and the audio was still there. Thanks! cv

Hi @vassaux,

Yep, a Windows update can cause Cantabile to require re-activation. You shouldn’t need to re-enter anything - usually just re-selecting the license will work.

Anyway, glad you got it sorted.


So, is this to say that program changes with hardware synths can’t be done with Solo?

Hi Dean and Welcome to the Forum! :slight_smile:

Yes, from Brad’s post above. Solo only supports incoming MIDI messages.



Thank you Dave. Much appreciated!

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