Multitrack MIDI

I am looking at possibly doing a solo act with Cantabile Performer, using pre-recorded MIDI backing tracks for drums, bass, guitars, pads, etc. Since I don’t own a DAW and C3’s built-in MIDI recorder doesn’t allow me to build/add tracks one at a time, does anyone have a recommendation for a true software-based multitrack MIDI recorder, either stand-alone or a plugin for C3, that will allow me to build and edit multiple backing tracks to play live with?


not exactly sure (using Cubase 11 Pro) but maybe this link may be helpful:

Regards, Volker

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Thanks, Volker. Based on the reviews in the article you provided, I installed Cakewalk and will give that a shot for multitrack MIDI recording. I don’t really need a full-blown DAW, but the price is right (free!).

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I’ve used Cakewalk for 12 years. It has great MIDI functionality. PM me if you need any help getting going.

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Just echoing what others have said: Cakewalk. Free, and very powerful.

Absolutely Cakewalk from Bandlab, it’s free, has good stability, embedded plugins, multitrack recording etc…