Merry Christmas!

Hi All,

Just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

It’s been a long year and while I had hoped to have v3 released before the year end I’m going to miss that target - though not by much hopefully. It’s crazy just how much work’s involved in getting a product out the door.

I’m going to be taking a few days to unwind a bit, spend some time with family, listen to a ton of music and power up for the last big push.

Thanks to everyone who’s provided feedback, ideas, suggestions and support over the past year - Cantabile really is all the better for it.

Stay safe, and keep on making music!



Thanks Brad, Merry Christmas to you and yours too!


Thanks for your help
Merry Xmas

Thanks Brad for an awsome “cantabile-year”, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for you and your family.

Kind regards, humphrey