Long arpeggios connected to key on keyboard

Dear all,

Being new in this field this is probably a well known topic, but I was not able to figure out the best way to go.
I would like to install a plugin that is able to make long arpeggios that I can connect to some specific key on my keyboard. I’ve seen arpeggiators, but I believe that these will just make an arpeggio of a chord played on the keyboard. Maybe I have to search in the direction of sequencers. As I am trying out the system I restrict myself now to free vst’s only.

Any help is very much appreciated!

Hi Joop,

You can get there by using these 2 plugins from Codefn42.

Chordz, to allow a single note to make a predetermined chord

and RandArp to arpegiate the chord

You would likely connect them together as shown here where the input from the controller keyboard routes to the chord maker and it routes to the arpeggio plugin and from there to the synth.

More here …


Hi Dave,
sounds promising, I am going to try this out!

Hi Joop,

Cool, I hope it works for you. The RandARP is a bit weird at first and wouldn’t play back the arpeggios as played but I found that turning the “Shift” knob fully clockwise to + 50 % corrected it.


Hi Dave,
I tried it out, but it is not exactly what I was looking for. Probably I was not very clear. Actually I did find something that works for me at:

I tried out the midi player and that worked out. Next step is the vst sequencer.


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