If you run backing tracks from another app/program

I have been using Ableton Live for backing tracks for the past 4 years plus. I wanted to find a way to launch from my 128gb iPad Air First Gen (yes, old). This would free up resources to spend on Omnisphere 2.6 (which I use for everything from analog synths, to granular rich pads, strings and textures). O 2.6 is resource hungry.

I just found this app called Multitracker for iPad. It is incredible!! It links with multi output audio interfaces, has unlimited stems and each song can be mixed independently. The launching is fantastic and easy to see/navigate and songlists can be created, adjusted etc in minutes. This programmer covered each and every concern (I emailed complaints, read the manual, then apologized).

Now I can run O 2.6 and B3-X without stressing over the CPU load, C3 is in its own window, and backing tracks are not at risk of clicks and pops with an overtaxed system. Truly amazing.

It is here


Hello @Howifeel

I’m intrigued about your setup. Just to clarify, you have two separate sets of hardware like this:

  1. Windows machine + Audio Interface 1 + Cantabile
  2. Ipad + Audio Interface 2 + Multitracker

Whereas originally you had

  1. Windows machine + Audio Interface 1 + Cantabile + Ableton Live

… am I correct?


You are correct about it seeming illogical.

Before change was:
LT + Montage + Audio interface + USB Ableton Launcher

The updated change is:
LT + Montage + Ipad + Audio Interface

The only real change is from Ableton launcher to iPad launcher. The benefit, however, is relieving the windows machine CPU from having to process Ableton audio and C3 simultaneously through two audio interfaces through one CPU. One interface for Ableton backing tracks (Uphoria 1820) and the other for C3 (the integrated Steinberg Audio interface in the Montage).

What do I gain with using Multitracker on iPad? No hardware launcher for Ableton anymore. Clearer display of backing track titles on iPad, an additional CPU, an additional display and lower latency on my B3-X and O 2.6 so I can use much more professional sounding pads and textures. Just add iPad and remove launcher.

I have been wanting to do this for so long, but could never find a decent iPad stem launcher. Now I have found one, and the dream has come true!

I also used to run a multi-client audio interface for C3 and Ableton. It presents the same limitations as the two audio interfaces since USB only uses CPU resources and not its own like firewire.

Anyway, hope that makes it clearer.

Oh! I hope I was not snarky! Just really curious :slight_smile:

I clearly see the benefit of a clear deported view for the backing tracks (Edit: on top of your cpu consumption).
And since you already had two audio interfaces to “sync”, I guess you are not loosing anything on this front.

I love to see all those creative setups and I’m really glad you could one up yours!

No worries at all! I am always open to any suggestions and insights!

Our band has been running backing tracks for a while, and I am the keyboardist and track launcher (among having to change presets and such) so I am always in the hunt for an easier but more powerful setup.

For those that don’t use keyboards, but are just looking for the best iPad backing track launcher, this is by far the best out there, and it hasn’t been around long. Only 23 people have reviewed it.

Take care!