I just wanted to share what I believe to be an excellent controller for me as a Cantabile user since 2014. It is the Studiologic SL88 MK2.
I have a Studiologic SL88 Studio.
Here is my complaint about it. The keybed action is too hard and noisy.
I paired the SL88 with a Mixface, and, again, for me, this combination has been excellent since my second keyboard, the Yamaha Montage, has a high quality audio interface integrated into it.
The SL88 MK2 integrated a little bit of a Mixface into it (apart from the drawbar faders). However, the biggest benefit is the addition of the new keybed and integrated audio interface so that no hardware such as an external audio interface or hardware synth is necessary.
Nevertheless, the SL88 MK2 does not have a good way to quickly change patches (same problem as the original SL88 that I currently have).
I overcome this by using an iPad Air 1st gen with an app called Surface by 4pockets to set up patch selection.
I have a CME H4MIDI WC and I installed the bluetooth WIDIcore 1.3 which easily integrates the iPad with the whole system. The Surface app allows me to set up any kind of controls that are missing from the SL88.
My VSTs are only Omnisphere 2, Keyscape, IKmm B-3X and a Waves L3 Multimaximizer at the end of the audio chain (lightly applied). All running on a Samsung Galaxy Book Flex2 Alpha with 16gb RAM and i7 11th gen CPU.
For my my main band in Northern California I use the SL88, Cantabile and Montage 7. However, I occasionally have to play in LA/Ventura, Ca and other gigs to cover for bands, and I bring only my SL88 and my Roland A-800pro (it has “drawbars”). Why not the Montage? Because I need 2 keyboards, and the Montage/SL88 are two large flight cases. The pain is that I have to bring an audio interface, and, always, the iPad Air 1st Gen.
With the SL88 MK2, I can leave the audio interface in the transport bag as a backup because of the addition of the interface in the new SL88 MK2. I can’t wait until it gets here. It took me no time to make the decision to buy it right away. I still have to wait until June or later to have it in my possession.
Why the CME device? I control an external vocal effects processor connected to the mixer console, patch changes in the Montage and patch changes and more in Cantabile with a single iPad running through the CME H4MIDI WC. I love that thing!
Just thought I would share.
John O.