How Not To End A Gig

Thanks a lot, guys. It’s not so painfully, today.
It’s, however, a significant handicap to daily life. :neutral_face:

Yup. Luckily my right hand seems getting better. DAW-time, so? :thinking:


I never knew gigging was so dangerous.

I didn’t think they were so dangerous either.
Yesterday I wasn’t focused and was talking to guys about the post-gig pizza, when happened.

Yes, you were talking about the “Masterkeyb SL88” pizza!
A little heavy, but … good … :musical_keyboard: :musical_score: :rofl:

NEVER eat while loading out or in! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I was just thinking about the food.:rofl:

Eventually, finished at ER, I ate the damn pizza. Very tasty

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I was finally diagnosed with a condition called “Dysautonomia”, which causes the body not to regulate heat or cold. The body shuts down, and all functions cease until normal temperature is regained. Very scary, as it could happen in seconds. There is no cure, so I am taking precautions, and declining outdoor summer gigs. This getting old crap is for the birds!


Huh, that sounds awful, I’m sure it’s scary. 'bout getting old, better not to talk about it, just to avoid blasphemy… :zipper_mouth_face:

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True dat!

I did sound for an outdoor event this weekend. It was less hot and humid than earlier in the week (bit of a breeze) but the 60 something players were heat exhausted by the end. A decent sized fan should be part of our gear for summer time gigs.

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I’m certainly no fan of it and closing in on 70 in a hurry… One thing I discovered after suffering several years of diffuse symptoms and extreme malaise was that eliminating gluten, going on a relaxed keto diet, and taking sublingual B12 daily resulted in a very substantial improvement in overall health - as in game changing. Of course everyone is different and ymmv, but nice thing is that anyone can try it a couple of weeks and see if it helps. LOL, having a science degree, I had to test it several times by resorting to my old diet. Symptoms returned with a vengeance three straight times.


Years ago I started having digestion issues while on vacation. I figured out it was eating the basket of bread while waiting forever for servers to bring out food. This clued me in that wheat is bad for me. I’m supposedly not allergic or celiac. There are a lot of people with this issue - makes me wonder about how wheat is grown and processed here in the US.


I had a friend with celiac, and she had a terrible time finding food to eat. But, that was in the 2000’s. Many different foods now.
Covid took me away from bread, and lost about 40lbs, but my sweet tooth took over, and made me the little round guy again. :large_blue_circle:

Hey @Corky, Sending good vibes in your direction and wishing you well!

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