This is totally off-topic but I just want to wish everyone on this wonderful Cantabile forum (@brad including of course!) a healthy, happy, creative and successful New Year.
Cantabile is a great product and is helping me push my limits (and those of the band) time and time again. And this community has been of invaluable help to me, and I’m sure to all of us. Cheers, everyone!
Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence! In 2010 I would have tried a triathlon but for the small matter of- I can’t swim. 8 years, 50 pounds and a bad back later those days are probably gone…
My true new years resolution is to give exactly zero f**ks about stuff like that. Just have quality time with the family, stay healthy enough to not make an unduly hasty departure from the material plane and hopefully do the “write decent music” thing
Happy new year to you all. Thanks for all of the shared help and support over the past year as I have migrated from C2 to C3 and used the info given here to discover the true strength of C3.
And here’s to C3 going from strength to strength in 2018!
I don’t do resolutions, but in 2018 I need to spend less time programming my software librarirans (once I have kroos.factory and montage factory done!) and more time making music! And I need to get on the bike more and lose a few more pounds, which get harder to shift as you get older, before entropy beats me!