Forum members' shows and tour dates


  • Paul
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Just got my link to download the album!! :+1:

Killer Album !!

Cool, thanks! Yeah, we got hit by tornadoes and the studio internet has been out since Sunday. So I had to get the links, bring them home and email them back to Steve so he could get them out via phone lol

Damn! Y’all been busy. Tornadoes have been bad this year so far, and we are just starting the season. Stay safe…kudos to the band. B3-X sounded great!

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Which organ model is that? I may have GAS on that one…

It is a Viscount Legend. A wonderful device.
But the two times I played that axe live, I used it as controller, because leslie simulation is better inside IK Multimedia VST named Hammond B3X.
See also here:

Controller with active drawbar and black keys, mapping with midi was quite easy.
What do you mean with GAS?

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GAS = Gear Acquisition Syndrom


Ah ah ah…
Yes, it’s very nice. Physically unbelievable.
Every Hammond switch is there.
Sound is first class.
But to live the real experience you must buy a real Leslie too. Without a real Leslie a good simulation with IK VST is better

Thanks - That is a really nice looking piece of gear and the Viscount stuff I always liked the sound of.

GAS = Gear Acquisition Syndrome

Just finished listening and it’s amazing! I especially love “The Watchman on the Walls.”

  • Paul

Just found the time to order, and listened to the vid again. :slight_smile:

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PS, this Random Youtube video of a much younger prog god came up after playing your new tooon!

Spotted an an AN1x in your rig. I still have have one and its still one of my favourite synths!

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Oh wow… fat Fred lol That’s right before I lost 120 pounds. Got about 50 back again lol That’s also the Hammond XM-1 through the 147. I do miss the Yamaha!

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Like a good wine, you have improved with age :rofl:

I think the AN1x, 20 years on, holds its own against other hardware VAs. Although I don’t use it so much now, I don’t think I will part with mine.

Just the download links for your digital album, so will be grabbing it later.

Hi All!

Due to the virus situation I’ve unfortunately been away from the forum for a few months, working like crazy with complete lack of work/life balance, and no time for music! Also my band IQ has had to cancel its shows, and so no live activity either.

However, on Friday we premiered a live recording we made back in January of a small show we did in Ashaffenburg, Germany, which is available for one week only (so ends this Friday). Worth a look if you have time. All keyboard sounds are either from plugins in Cantabile, or my trusty Prophet 6.



I was hoping you’d post this for others to see/hear, Neil :slight_smile:

Need to take the time to look at it myself, but the quick sample of it I had on Saturday was sounding good.

Resistance remains a class album.

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Thanks Neil!

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I think this whole thing has killed me as a musician. I can’t even look at my stuff any more. I almost dread the notion that we might get another gig, or god forbid the Cruise get resheduled and I might have to try and learn to play again. A year’s worth of practice down the drain with a show that was two weeks away. I recorded almost an entire solo album in the 1st couple weeks of this COVID crap and I can’t even go in the room with the gear to finish it. So hats off to Neil and the real bands that will soldier on.

Hey Fred. Found myself in somewhat the same situation. I now have a long beard and hair, and really have no motivation to sit at a keyboard. My guitar calluses have disappeared. I reluctantly helped my son mix his new prog album. Any other time I would be all into it. I really don’t want to gig. This is bad.

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The other worrying thing is that when the venues do start opening, are people really want to go and spend 2-3 hours bunched up close next to hundreds of strangers? I think this social distancing mindset could be with us for a long time, and make it very difficult for bands to do any kind of viable gigging or touring.