Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

Direct comparison with B-3X looks promising so far - sound characteristics are similar between VB3-II and my typical B-3X lead organ patches, so I’ve been pretty successful using VB3-II as a drop-in replacement for B-3X in my songs. Had to fiddle with my lead organ rack a bit to make everything compatible with VB3’s ideosyncrasies regarding automation, but now that’s done, it’s very usable.

I was able to tame the higher drawbars’ sizzle using the drawbar trims so it isn’t as prominent as before; currently pretty happy with the result!

And I’m getting a decent bit of reduction of my CPU requirements - nice!


Thanks for reporting. I’ll look into it.

I had a look at this with the latest VST 3 version of VB3-II and when Cantabile calls its IPlugView::canResize method it’s returning kResultFalse (1) which means not-resizable - so Cantabile doesn’t setup a resizable frame.


Hi Brad,

Thanks for checking this out. I forwarded your findings to GSi. I’ll follow up when I receive a reply.


Reply from GSi Team:

thank you for this information. We’ll look into this as soon as possible, and if it’s a bug it will be solved in the next update.

Best Regards,
The GSi Team


I just loaded up VB3 II v2 on my keyboard rig. It’s always a honeymoon until I use it in a live band but so far I’m very happy with it. The presets sound really good on my nearfields. Guido put the VB3 1.4 back in - not just because you can choose that generator but because overall it has the mojo that VB3 1.4 has.


I’m having a problem with VB3 II v2: I cannot trigger the Leslie to go from STOP to FAST with the sustain pedal. First pedaling reacts as expected but in the second one it goes to SLOW.

Can anyone check if it’s just me? or is it a bug?


Hi @Torsten,

How do you get to the drawbar trims? It was in the settings for the previous VB3-ii version, but I can’t find them in the UI of the new one. I’m probably just being blind…!


“Edit” button at the top, then “Organ”.

Thanks @Torsten! I see then now. However with the V1 organ engine enabled, that whole page is blurred out and disabled. So I guess you can only tweak the trims for the V2 organ engine, which is a shame as I’m finding some of the drawbars in the V1 engine quite harsh/honky.


There are some bugs. After this weekend gigging, I am going to report my findings to GSI. Everyone needs to report these as well.

Maybe someone can enlighten me as to what drawbar trims get you. Wouldn’t it be the same as just not pulling the high drawbars out as far, or is there something else going on ?

– Jimbo

Yup, the v1 engine is pretty limited; but it’s nice to have the additional option. Same with the v1 cabinets; I’d love to have the same options as in v2 for these, but as is they’re nice options when you want a different “color”.

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Afaik it just gets you a certain sound when, say, all the draw bars are all the way out by helping trim the maximum level- like for instance many organs I play sound completely different when you use 888000000, my church organ has a really really strong second drawbar so you could fix that without having to change all your settings mentally :man_shrugging:t2: if it goes deeper than that I’m unaware LOL

I’m just now starting to play with it… I did a little test and just for fun made a file using the new Leslie then the exact same sound through the version 1 Leslie, then a version with them stacked together panned center and one with them a little bit panned to the sides. The competing fast Leslie sounds would need tweaking but I think the stack has real potential especially when panned a bit.

A couple more things real quick… I’m having some interesting results using only the horn from Leslie 1.1 and the lower rotor from Leslie 2 (two instances required). Right now though my favorite sound is getting a similar patch on both VB3 and B-3X and layering them together… it’s pretty massive


Hi Fred.
Out of curiosity, but only curiosity, I superimposed VB3 and B-3X, and a rather strange sound comes out, which is not a Hammond.
Taken individually, they are similar, you can align them by acting on the Drawbars and/or with a good Equalizer. The result doesn’t seem like much to me.
I overlapped, again out of curiosity, B-3X and Waterfall and here, the 2 vst, seem to integrate better. It seems that you get a sound that seems to come more from a synth (if desired, even nice, nice to hear) than from a Hammond clone.
Moral: let’s give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to VB3 (or B-3X or whatever) what is VB3’s (or B-3X or whatever)!

I think, in my great ignorance, that it is better to find a VST that goes with a certain song or piece, choosing the VST that is considered most suitable.


Indeed - I found that the “Sustain All” option for the sustain pedal doesn’t work on the V1 organ engine. I’ve reported it. I know the organ purists will say a real Hammond doesn’t have a sustain pedal, but…I do :slight_smile:

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Interesting. I’ll have to share my results because it’s absolutely nothing like that. (Also remember I’m doing it with the v1.1 Leslie set virtually to mono, pretty distant mics so the doppler phase conflict is pretty minimized.)

Edit- here you go, the first is B-3X, the second is VB3 and the third is combined. There’s things I like and dislike about all three of them to be honest but this is a fairly quick throw together. I think better results are certainly achievable. That said, as much as I like the IK Multimedia organ I’m sort of falling in love with the gnarliness of the old version of VB3 all over again…

One mistake I definitely made was letting them each use their own reverb instead of drying them up and putting them both through the same reverb :thinking: