Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

Yes, I based it on that orchestral version. Thanks for the complement! :blush:

Yeah, AM radio limited song length back in those days. I didn’t really care for the extra verses anyway. They just didn’t seem to fit with the earlier lyrics. Just my opinion.

Speaking of Memphis


Wow! Forgot about them.

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VB3 II 2023 Edition released

New VB3-II 2023 edition features

  • Added both the tonewheel engine and the rotary simulator from VB3 v.1.4

  • The V1 rotary simulator features 3 variations, for a total of 4 different amplifiers

  • Added 1 new tonewheel generator

  • Added Ring Modulator and Delay effects (pre)

  • Added FET Limiter (post)

  • Session Recorder: silently records everything is played and imports/exports standard Midi Files and renders to WAV files

  • Built-in Audio Player plays the most common audio formats to add a backing track to your music

  • Octave transposers for upper and lower separately

  • New Program browser shows full list with move, swap, delete functions along with import/export of banks and single Programs

  • Built-in function to import/export from/to VB3-II 2018 (and Crumar Mojo Desktop) Program and Bank formats

  • New Midi Map with reverse, latch and lock functions for each parameter

  • New advanced Midi Javascript processor for custom event transformations (supports SysEx and RPN/NRPN)

  • Multiple outputs (Main + Organ Only)

  • Separate plugin for remote Audio and Midi input - includes the exclusive VoMidiCoder

  • New bigger touch-friendly interface

  • Four different drawbar view styles

  • On-screen keyboards with two different viewing styles

  • Random program generator

  • Added rotary effect speed control from Channel Aftertouch

  • Supports Midi Output, can send whole “snapshots” when loading and when changing Programs

  • Supports different curves for the Swell Pedal

  • Built-in Midi Monitor for monitoring incoming Midi messages

  • Free Cloud service for sharing Programs, Midi Maps and Midi Processor Scripts with other users


Thanks Walter…been waiting on this for 2 years!



The 20 minutes I had with the new VB3 II 2023, was interesting. I looked thru all the parameters, and manual, but never found anything about GUI resizing. It is rather large in Cantabile. The higher drawbars are now singing better than VB3, but needs some adjustment. I do like the way the pages are easier to pull up, and many of the settings actually make a difference, unlike VB3 II. The Leslie cabinets have a huge difference in tone, but I definitely have many parameters to make some magic. After I get more time to dig in, I will post some more opinions, and maybe some presets.


I like it! Haven’t played with it a whole lot yet but my first impression is great. B3-X has always bugged me with the slow loading GUI that never gets fixed and I think this is going to be my new go to for Hammond. I really like the different amps, distortion and Leslie. Looking forward to your new patches Corky.


I really like it too.
Guido, GSi, did a great job!
I started doing some tests, I kept the previous version to compare some settings.
The sound performance is much better, with the same settings and without intervening with the new parameters available.
There are many new setting possibilities, I tried a few and was impressed.
The Leslie part is fabulous, there are adjustments that allow excellent customization possibilities.
Then, I noticed that, by activating the keyboard part, the chord played was displayed. Cute and useful!

Now VB3 2.0 competes with B-3X!!!
There is so much more to list, but it would be late at night!

I too am patiently awaiting new patches from the expert, the Prince of the forum, the legendary Corky.



Hmm, mixed impressions so far, after trying to replicate some of my go-to patches vom VB3 v1 and from Blue3:

  • GUI is nice and clean, but I’m missing an option to resize it (or just haven’t found it yet)
  • Dialing in sounds is pretty efficient with the two edit pages. Pretty fast to get to where I want to be
  • Performance is very efficient, pretty much on par with v1, a touch better than Blue3
  • I like the distortion - good range from clean to downright nasty.
  • Even when setting tone engine and Rotary to V1, sound isn’t identical, but requires a bit of fiddling. There’s some “honkiness” around 1.5-1.7 kHz that isn’t there in v1.
  • Also compared to Blue3, there’s a lot more honkiness that I can’t quite cure, even with some judicious post-EQ…
  • With the new tone engine and rotary, there is a bit of a “sizzle” in the top drawbars that is quite unpleasant to my ears and that doesn’t quite go away in any of the generator models. May need to revisit my drawbar settings and go easier on the top ones

Next stop will be a comparison with B-3X - would be good if VB3-II could stand in for it; the slow-opening GUI is a nuisance…




How did you manage the license settings? I downloaded the 2.0, but hesitated when I noticed that I had to have a free license spot, this made me doubt if I would be able to have both the VB-3 II versions available at the same time, allowing me to use the old setup for rehearsals while fiddling around with the new version.

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Hi Torsten.
When I installed it I didn’t realize that I had already set up VB3 on 3 computers.
Let me explain. I changed Laptops and one of the 3 available installations was on the old PC. And looking closer, I noticed that I had installed 2 installations, also on my Laptop: here it is likely that I made a mistake, the first one was from 2021, the second from 2022. That may have been the case.
I left both and removed the first one (the one on the old PC) and was able to install 2023 without any problems.
In this way I was able to leave VB3-II v1.1.
Now, I have both, so I can make all the comparisons.

I did several comparison tests, as mentioned in another post.
Of course, some inconsistency and/or flaw is always found. But the judgment is for me quite positive, flattering.
It is also true that sometimes you are able to find flaws on an original B3…


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Thanks. Did you rename VSTs to keep them separate in Cantabile, or will this happen automatically?

Yes, I renamed the vst.
I tell you the truth, initially I found problems because Cantabile couldn’t find the new vst’s.
I thought of doing it this way:

  • I didn’t go into Cantabile.
  • I renamed the old VB3s as VVB3, both as vst2 and as vst3 (this in Common File).
  • I installed the new version.
  • I renamed the new VB3-II vst’s as VB3-II 2.0 (both vst2 and vst3).
  • I renamed the old VVB3 vst’s as VB3
  • I restarted Cantabile and found all the vst’s from the old and new versions.

I hope I have explained well

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Yes, that was perfect explained, thanks.

Does it require two licenses to run both? I have two pc’s with identical setup, but only three licenses.

No, there is only one license, but you can do 3 installations.
Then, if they are needed (you should read about it on the site - installations part), you can ask GSi for more installations.
The important thing is that in the GSi screen you see how many installations you have already set up.
Installations can be done on multiple PCs.
My installations are, at this time, only on my current Laptop: I have 2, the one from last year and this one with the new version. Since I don’t have any other PCs, I’m leaving things as they are (in theory I could delete the 2021 one, but I’m leaving it, just in case!).

Translate from Italian the page of GSi:

Hi Torsten
I read your post, it is very comprehensive, thank you for that.
An insight into my evidence:
Regarding the comparison between the 2 VB3 versions I can say that the improvements were there, really a lot.
But it seems to me that the sound of B-3X, at the moment, is unmatched!
B-3X is from another planet. Too bad, as you say, that B-3X’s GUI leaves something to be desired to load, it takes forever!
And too bad about VB3’s GUI, it is exaggeratedly large and doesn’t resize!

Also mixed impressions here.
Made only a short test with the standalone version. My observations:

  • I made my own preset from an existing one and the third drawbar (UPPER SET B) always fell back to position 3 though I saved the preset under a new name. This is also the case with existing presets.
  • May be I’m wrong but the expression (swell) doesn’t seem to interact with the amp in a way a real amp would do when driven.
  • The GUI is nice to work with.
  • I can set the sustain pedal to rotary slow/fast (latched) but it would be nice if I could set it to slow/fast and sustain so that I can seamless switch a song state while holding a chord and then continue with a different sound.

I didn’t even come to a point where I could concentrate on the sound capabilities.
At this point no need to compare to B3-X despite of its slow GUI opening and automation issues with Studio One that can be worked around.

Response from GSi regarding the question of how to resize the GUI:

the UI of VB3-II supports the “resize by host” feature. Means that if the host allows resizing plugin windows, VB3-II resizes maintaining the proportions. Otherwise, there’s no internal resize feature.”


@brad, I think we’ll need your help here. Seems Cantabile can react to plugin windows changing their size, but there seems to be no built-in mechanism to tell a flexible window to change its size. Can you help?