Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

The first thing I do when sequencing parts for a cover that I want to stick pretty close to the script for is drop the .wav in the DAW and then sync a click by adjusting BPM that doesn’t drift from beginning to end compared to the .wav playback. LOL, usually two decimal places is enough to get there.

I just realized I didn’t use a sync’d begin time for the two midi files…I’ll try to deal with that soon and repost them so you don’t have to mess with manually syncing them, and you can just start them both at zero (or whatever)…

Also FWIW, I’m really liking the B3-X at 65% stereo width and the drum sequence at 18% stereo width for Superior 2.

Thank you, @Corky…I did not know this song…which took me into a new rabbit hole, because the youtube algorithm suggested a cover of the same very song by a certain Lachy Doley (which I also did not know)…the cover was very good (with Mike Portnoy on drums and a great singer) but next came what really caught my attention:

WTH!!! :astonished:


P.S. There is also an Hammond in the video…so I am not “completely” OT… :wink:

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I’ve been watching Lachy for about 3 tears now. Great Hammond player and performer, and have discussed a few things with him online. The Whammy Clavinet he plays never made it big, so there is a limited number of them. He revived the one he has, and added distortion and wah. He has many videos, and his concerts are really good.
I’ve intended to post a few of his videos, and other great players here, but never got around to it.
No problem about OT in this thread…as I am the king of OT. :wink:



Lachy has brought the 70s Hammond three piece back to life again. So glad someone is doing this, and being successful.
In this video he has a guitarist, but he usually tours as a three-piece. His playing is very dynamic, and is what I try to achieve when I gig. You probably have heard of the guitarist. The organ solo starts at 2:30.

Great! Thanks for pointing me to this…
I have also watched a performance of the same piece as a trio here:

He’s a great player indeed.

Then a video of any of your gigs would be quite interesting! (since attending in person would be out of question ATM :rofl:).



I will see if I can find some floating around the internet. :laughing:

There is one from 2 nights ago, but was low key, as it was a high-brow benefit show, and I was merely a guest. So, I don’t know if the more up tempo songs were filmed, but I will check it out.
For many years, I have stayed clear of social media for various reasons, but things have changed recently, and I may need to finally open those doors.


I posted both of these videos earlier. I thought it was here, but maybe in another topic. Who needs a guitarist when you have a Clav like that.

Here’s another of his and it is certainly time appropriate after Gary Brooker

Voodoo Child at 11:59 is some really good stuff


Don’t worry about that - I’ve managed to convert the Drums MIDI to my mapping and put it right in my previous Cubase arrangement - sounds much nicer now! I’m getting there - pretty stable at 170 bpm, still a bit too sloppy at 180, but improving. Five minutes every day make for steady progress… And practicing to a backing track is so much more fun than with a metronome!

Glad it was of use.

I agree practicing to tracks sans your part is the way to go. That’s the reason I got into sequencing and have been buying all of these keys related products. Unfortunately I’m having entirely too much fun doing the sequencing and not doing enough guitar practicing. :laughing:

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As you can see, I had to lean between the two keyboards to sing, which was difficult to attempt playing, but I got a few licks in. Not too thrilled with the Crummar.


Thought I would add one more from Lachy. More about the innards and mods to the organ.

And why the hell not…


I thought about posting a thing but then I thought, meh


There is a new contender in town:

All I’ve heard is this short sample, and looks like the IK B3. It sounds good from what I hear, but I know how these things go…they bury the organ in other sounds to hide the faults.
But, there are disadvantages. From what little I could read, it is possibly married to a UAD device. Also, UAD is now a subscription service for their plugins, which I will never support. I believe it is only for MAC at this time.


Interesting. It does have potential but it doesn’t sound like I’ll ever get my hands on it LOL Again, no one really wants to demo it with the heavy dirty rock sound. Although at least that has a little overdrive going on.

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It didn’t sound bad from the demo

I never understand why organ demos have to be sooooo cheesy.

Why can’t they all be more like this one? Which made me pull the trigger on the IK B3 immediately.


You can use it also without UAD hardware, with the new subscription service called Spark. And it’s not cheap. If I am not wrong it’s 200 bucks per year. For me too expensive, but you get some nice plugins of high quality. Including Ravel piano and a polysynth. I am not interested, but maybe someone is…

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There is too little info about it, but may demo it when I get a chance. What I already have is sufficient.

Same for me - that was a great demo!


I know some UAD fanbois. The stuff might be as good as they say but I hate it just because of the True Believers, much like ProTools (which is objectively garbage, whereas I suspect UAD actually is not, just highly overrated.)