Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

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:clinking_glasses: :person_raising_hand: :birthday: :birthday: :birthday:



It seems you are really getting to Lord-land! :rofl::+1:


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And now another old-but-new Hammond emulator. Free or $10.

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Here we go again! I have Hammonds coming out my :horse:

I have several difficult songs to learn and setup before the weekend. Now this! $10? Wow…
I won’t be eating today :joy:
I am dreaming Leslie mods in my sleep ala Keith Emerson.


Just listened to the demo and came away fairly unimpressed. Kind of reminds me a bit of DB-33. The difference between the free and $10 is mostly Leslie control…and $10


Hey Steve…been a long time.

The original was crap. i’ve noticed a surge of decent Leslies lately, which really helps a good vst, but a good Leslie on crap, is still crap. I’ve not had time to check many of these in depth. After doing a deeper look into Gospel Musicians, I am very impressed with how well thought out it is. Many things I have never thought about. As I get less busy, I will share with the forum.



Cherry Audio is releasing Blue3 under their name next week:

(1) Cherry Audio | Blue3 Live Premiere September 4th - YouTube

They are killing me. :joy:

Is this Hammond competition month?
Really looking forward to see What Cherry Audio will bring to the Blue3.


At midnight tonight a holographic 1963 B3 is going to appear in your living room glowing in blue haze. Play it until exactly 1pm - then go back to sleep :rofl:


I’ll have a look but I’m afraid the copy protection is the same as with their other plugins so you can’t use it live without hassle.

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If you mean Cherry Audio and their copy protection, I have had no hassle using their plugins live.

What problems do you have and have you reported them to Cherry Audio?


Once I got a popup window when using one of their plugins asking me to register again. The plugin already had been registered and activated. From Cherry Audio I got no proper explanation why this could occur.
Since I won’t risc such problems when playing live I eliminated their plugins from my live synth arsenal.

I think this was mentioned previously. There should be no issue if ‘never install updates’ is checked and disable notifications from Cherry.
I have never had an issue with plugin settings configured that way.


There were some registration bugs in the early days for what is a relatively new software company, but they quickly resolved those. I certainly have the confidence to use their plugins live.


I didn’ look back since I’m covered with synths (u-he, GForce. TAL - to name but a few).
May be its time to give it another try. I’m also curious what the Blue3 update/upgrade brings.

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Same here.

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Well, if you really love Hammond’s, you should buy one of them

Well, I was playing Hammonds in 1966, and owned 3 different ones during the 70’s and 80’s… Also owned a clone after that. When VSTs came along and sounded reasonable, I jumped onto the digital train, and they are constantly getting better.
No more hauling and transporting those heavy beautiful bastards, and Leslies. My back, knees, and arms are thankful, but damaged. There is nothing like the real deal, and the pleasure I get when playing one. If I had room in my home, I would love to have one, but buying one now? Nah! I have enough musical equipment as it is.



It is here!!

**Registered users of GG Audio’s Blue3 who have confirmed their account with Cherry Audio automatically receive a upgrade discount! Sign in to see your personalized offer!