Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

Absolutely !!

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Yes…It would be good on PH.

I looked in my account, but no update. What am I missing?

Finally found it under download…Sorry

FWIW Matthew Fisher was the Procal Harum Hammond man in the beginning. :slight_smile:


I have officially achieved “Lord” status !!

:metal: :metal:


Bring it on brother!

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First impressions of Gospel Rotary are that it sounds like 1940s Radio😊
I expect Garrison Keillor to chime in any second.

Not run any additional amps or eq around it but right now Waterfall is killing it in precisely the kind of tonal arena G Rotary would aspire to.
It has (the ability for) more pronounced pitch shift than WFall and Vb3, and I feel more swing as the horn comes round, which is quite appealing.
Just need to see if it can become more present without sacrificing its charm.
Different flavor, worth having for that money - and I’ve not even checked their organ out yet.
Oh yeah … CPU better than Waterfall, which is something.

You’re supposed to get a dragon, my Liege…

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Definitely getting into Gospel Rotary.
Very vibey and … umm… immersive?
Not sure how well it responds to filthying up.
@Corky, how are you faring?

The beauty of this particular product addresses the need of the Black Churches organ, which is very prominent here in Memphis. Just think about Billy Preston style.
I did get a little filth in the plug. I am giving input to the developer. If you notice, the fx page is empty, but I suspect the intention is to fill in those spaces. The best part of this is…no iLok, and a generous three instances for other machines at the same time.
My quest is never ending.

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Just when I get busy, another Leslie is on the market. I have it, but not tried it yet. Sounds great, though I need to investigate it to make sure it is not a placebo.

Not what I expected…oh well

I have Organs coming out of my organs :crazy_face:

I purchased the EZKeys Session Organ a while ago, and just now checking it out. Very good, not as many parameters as others, but really lite on resources.

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There’s a clinic for that condition I’m sure … :grin:

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It’s called stupidity. It has been plaguing me since birth.

There is more to the Gospel Organ I’ve discovered.
I am getting near Lord territory

Let me know if the link doesn’t work

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Hi @Corky,

the link doesn’t work for me. It says I have to ask for access.


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Thanks. I will fix it

So, I am getting distortion. I went very deep into the vst, which I had no idea about. Some really cool things popped out at me. This plug has been very well thought out.

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