Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

Once I got a popup window when using one of their plugins asking me to register again. The plugin already had been registered and activated. From Cherry Audio I got no proper explanation why this could occur.
Since I won’t risc such problems when playing live I eliminated their plugins from my live synth arsenal.

I think this was mentioned previously. There should be no issue if ‘never install updates’ is checked and disable notifications from Cherry.
I have never had an issue with plugin settings configured that way.


There were some registration bugs in the early days for what is a relatively new software company, but they quickly resolved those. I certainly have the confidence to use their plugins live.


I didn’ look back since I’m covered with synths (u-he, GForce. TAL - to name but a few).
May be its time to give it another try. I’m also curious what the Blue3 update/upgrade brings.

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Same here.

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Well, if you really love Hammond’s, you should buy one of them

Well, I was playing Hammonds in 1966, and owned 3 different ones during the 70’s and 80’s… Also owned a clone after that. When VSTs came along and sounded reasonable, I jumped onto the digital train, and they are constantly getting better.
No more hauling and transporting those heavy beautiful bastards, and Leslies. My back, knees, and arms are thankful, but damaged. There is nothing like the real deal, and the pleasure I get when playing one. If I had room in my home, I would love to have one, but buying one now? Nah! I have enough musical equipment as it is.



It is here!!

**Registered users of GG Audio’s Blue3 who have confirmed their account with Cherry Audio automatically receive a upgrade discount! Sign in to see your personalized offer!


And what does the organ meister thing of it?

I have listened to the demos and like what I hear, and for once some decent rock demos. :slight_smile:

I can hear the usual Blue3 with improvements, but a much better layout, and Leslie is better. I played it for about an hour, so I haven’t gone into the depths yet. I am thinking this is going to be a good Prog Rock plugin.

They are offering a demo for 30 days with an occasional noise, if you want to try it.

I have so many organs I could make a living giving transplants. :grin:

I’ve already started a blind comparison on the others, but waited for this to add to the list. Dunno when I will get it done. Sometime soon I hope.

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Different flavor? Better than competitors?
I’m reckoning the blind test - with a real Hammond and Leslie tucked in there, would be a lot of fun. Who’s got access to the real deal amongst us?

Meanwhile, B-3X can now be had for $39:

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Great idea! I have access to a Hammond. I may just throw that in. It would be fun :grin:


Wow…the competition is getting crazy. $39? Quite a drop since it 1st came out.

The new Blue3 is now $49. Gospel Organ was $49…now $99. VB3 II 2024 is roughly $100.


LOL, apparently they are wanting to rain on others parades!


As long as you look after your vital organs, you have nothing to fear.


Hi everyone.
I did some tests with the Cherry Blue3 Organ Demo. I like it, it has improved over the previous GG Audio version.
My tests (I’m not a pro like many of you) were based for the time being on ‘manipulating’ one of the presets there, the ‘Very Good People 1’.
What struck me suspiciously was that there was no need to insert my usual external effects of Eq, Chorus, Reverb, etc., which I place in the Background Rack, (in Loopback).
As someone in the forum knows about me, I’m a bit of a stickler for reproducing A Whiter Shade as in the original sounds. When I find a vst like that, I’m already more than halfway done!
With B-3X, Waterfall, VB3, I set up these effects, but there was no need for them here. Let’s just say that I ‘worked’ a bit on the internal settings and, on a scale of 1 to 10, I managed to get at least 8! The only external effect I have set in a light form is the Sanford Reverb (in Church), but I will also try the internal reverb later.
I tried something like Gospel, Rock and even some Jon Lord stuff: not bad!
It needs work, but the first impression was good.
I think the price is worth the purchase. It costs much less than others, at the same level.


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Took the plunge and found out it dropped to $39 at checkout and they offer an add-on for $10 -100 presets. Since I expected to pay $49 to start, adding in the presets still makes it $49. I like to use presets and then modify those to suit. B-3X, Waterfall, VB3-II, B5, and the new and improved Blue 3. I also have a Hammond SK Pro, and Arturia’s V-Lab software and its B-3 clone. Looking forward to being able to use the latter with IK Leslie. That should hold me until the next one comes out :grin:


May as well hear a little Hammond sweetness behind the ripping tele of the late, great Roy Buchanan!