Cantabile 4.x audio driver on Linux (mint 21.3)

Edit: Found a solution, posted it as a reply. Cantabile 4 seems to work on Linux Mint 21.3!

Going to be a long shot… but who knows…
First off, I know Linux is not officially supported by Cantabile. Way too small a market to be interesting. However, with all the bad stuff about Win11 coming up, I’m trying to figure out if I can daily-drive Linux for a change.

Cantabile 4 installs without a problem on Linux with Wine 9.5. I got Windows VST’s working with yabridge. The only thing I can’t seem to configure is the audio driver.
All only show wasapi Out as an option. I tried force Alsa, I tried force PulseAudio. Other apps do have sound with those settings…

I also tried installing and forcing audio driver with Lutris, in the hope it would do something magical, but alas…

Anybody have any clue on how to show more driver options on Cantabile Wine Linux? I found this thread and he apparantly used Pipewire. I’ll try that approach, but in the mean time any other advice would be helpful :slight_smile:

E: Installed Pipewire, no difference :frowning:
And my audio settings for Wine:
Audio settings Wine


Pardon my doublepost, but I got it working!

Pipewire was the solution. I simply had to select my Steinberg UR22 as the WASAPI-OUT, and for some reason that just worked!

So, the complete guide to how I got it working (On Mint 21.3)

  1. Installed Wine Stable version(9.5 while writing, although some report 9.4 to be more stable with VSTs)
  2. installed some VST’s through Wine(I installed Analog Lab with Arturia Download Center)
  3. Installed yabridge
  4. Installed Pipewire with this guide
  5. Installed Cantabile through Wine
  6. Choose WASAPI Out - “Your soundcard here”
    I have it set to shared mode.

Set Cantabile to locate vst’s to your (hidden) .vst3 folder in your home.

I’ll test it over the next few weeks to see how stable everything is. I do notice some more input latency than I have with using ALSA driver in Bitwig though, but it is doable.


I use linux for work (debian) with pipewire as audio server. You made me curious about trying Cantabile on my work laptop…thank you for your guide!



Thanks for the update. I am interested for the same reasons. Linux is my daily driver.

I tried WINE about a year ago and could not get the right version of .net sorted. It should work well, WINE is a very light layer and was reported running Cantabile a few years ago. It is used extensively to run games through Proton and Steam so the latency should be low. Plus, Linux has a supported low latency kernel.

Good Luck


With your remark ‘with all the bad stuff coming in Win 11’ I wanted to react. I went another way and I am really successful with a dedicated laptop running Windows 10 Atlas. (11 is also possible ) Basically you install windows, and then rip everything out that should not be there. I’ve never seen such a fast and quiet windows. Just don’t use it for anything else and do not keep it online.

I’m currently not a Linux user but I try it every 1,5 year. It will be interesting to see how your approach works out. Keep us posted