I’m currently in the process of moving Cantabile to the latest version of .NET. As mentioned elsewhere, this will mean Windows 10 and later will be required.
While I’m at it, I’m thinking of also ditching the 32-bit version of Cantabile and possibly Cantabile’s built-in jBridge support.
So, time to speak up if:
You still run the 32-bit version of Cantabile, or…
You run the 64-bit version of Cantabile, but still use bridged 32-bit plugins.
(If I drop the jBridge support, you’ll still be able to use 32-bit plugins, but you’ll need to manually bridge them using the jBridge tooling).
I used the jBridge support but only on a few vsts so manually bridging them should work. Will those manually bridged plugs directly replace the current jbridged ones in my songs if the support goes away? Or will there be a little editing to get them going again?
I run the 64-bit version, but I still use a few 32-bit plugins and I find automatic jbridging vey handy. Anyway, I second @dave_dore in saying that I could also live with manual jbridging.
Thought I’d add a few more words about why continued automatic jbridge is important to me. I have a library with several hundred old (32 bit) vsts that I keep around for when I need special sounds that I can’t create with my normal go-to set. And I’ve created a separate index of all their presets to help guide me find the sounds I need. I might go through 20 or 30 until I find the “perfect match” to the sound I need. Easy with all of those directly working within cantabile - just hit the “replace plugin” button. Could be very problematic and time-consuming if the 64bit ones automatically come up but I have to set up each of the 32-bit ones manually.
Some of the old VST’s I use jBridge for have come out with 64 bit versions (MiniMogue VA for instance). Others have been replaced by instruments I’ve acquired through bundles like IK Studio Max. As Derek says I can move on.
On a related note (I really like the IK SampleTron 2 Mellotron).
I’m surprised to hear you’re still using the 32-bit version. My concern for your setup will be unless you keep everything exactly as it is (ie: same OS, same Cantabile, same drivers etc…) you’re going to have more and more trouble keeping it running.
You’re right in being concerned, but it will depend how many of your plugins are not actually available as 64-bit. I’d recommend you seriously consider starting the move by seeing which of your important plugins are available as 64-bit and start looking for viable 64-bit alternatives where not. Bridging is a viable fallback for when you can’t find suitable replacement, but I’d keep its use limited.
Yes, there is overhead to using bridging and not all plugins bridge well.
Eh, i know what you mean . Unfortunately lots of my vsts are only findable in 32 bit.
I’ll try to find them in 64 bit hoping the “mother house” let to download them.
Unless i don’t have the 64 bit version ( at least for the most important vsts) I think I’m not going to update the version of Cantabile, for obvious reasons
Fairly, feel free to do what you think is the best for the product. It’s right
Do you mean you haven’t used 32-bit Cantabile in a long time?
That’s understandable and if you don’t have need to upgrade/update your system you’ll probably be fine for a long while. But I think in the end, you’re probably just putting of the inevitable.
From my perspective, I need to stop supporting older platforms at some point otherwise it just becomes too difficult to keep up with the new stuff. eg: dropping 32-bit support provides some leeway to look into newer tech like Windows ARM (which I think is going to become more and more important going forward).