Dear community,
I have a really strange problem going on I try get rid of since about 2 weeks without success. So maybe any of you have an idea what`s the reason behind:
I have a bunch of 45 songs meanwhile in one setlist. Instruments are almost completely wrapped into racks. There are 36 plugs atm. One oft he racks has a single instance of Hive (u-he) inside. Everything is working so far.
The problem: there is one song making trouble with the „Hive-rack“. Normally everything is working fine and Hive produces the sound I had stored inside the rack as rack-state for this song. But sometimes (and this seems to be randomly) after switching through different songs of the setlist the Hive-rack calls up a completely different sound. I tried hard to get behind things and find out what could cause this behavior but each time I thought I had nailed it the problem came back.
Meanwhile I created the song new from scratch without any success. I furthermore deleted the sound inside the Hive-rack called it up from Hive again (it is also stored inside the Hive library) and recreated a new rack-state.
If the problem occours I have no chance to recall the correct sound even if I change to another rack state and jumping back to the stored one. Even if I try to call up the sound from the Hive-internal library the wrong sound is called up (but showing the correct name)! On the other hand I can easily call up other sounds correctly from the rack-states or from the Hive library at this moment. Only the one sound seems to be corrupted for any reason. Strangely when shutting down cantabile, restart it again and reload the song everything is fine again.
So: I would be happy for any hint on how to go on as I`m running out of ideas.
Thanks alot, humphrey
What state behaviour do you have set on the Hive plugin? If you’re using “Selected Program”, do you have any better luck with reliability using “Entire Bank” ?
Hi Neil,
no, I generally don’t use “Selected Program”, Hive rack already uses Entire Banks…
Hi Volker,
A few questions, I assume pre-loaded set-list but please correct me if wrong
- what revision are you running and does going back to an earlier one help?
- Is it an older song or a newer one made after recent experimental updates?
- is it always the same song no matter what but no other “hive” rack songs?
- are the “hive” rack states locked and how many states do you have in the rack?
The evidence you have so far is puzzling so thanks for more info.
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Hi Dave, thanks for your effort:
Yes, all plugs pre-loaded.
it happens in 3262 as well as in 3264 (atm I rolled back to 3262 due to increased load times in 3264 - see other thread). I will give 3257 a try and report if this is changing anything.
I build the song after the experimental 3258++. But as I was aware of the troubles that were introduced I rebuilt the song from scratch (to be precise: I noticed every setting on a piece of paper and rebuilt it piece by piece).
It’s always the same song and always the same Hive sound making trouble.
Locked Rack: that’s funny as I dindn’t notice that every state but the one was locked thats making troubles . There are 22 states inside the rack atm. I will definitely check if problems are gone if I also lock this one.
Regards, Volker
Hi Dave,
after locking the rack state the effect doesn’t show up again (for the moment ). To be serious: could be the reason but it can also happen 2 hours later as the effect occours randomly.
Out of curiosity: if locking a rack state is able to fix the problem, what would be reason behind? I don’t really understand why locking is necessary at all to keep things stable. For me locking a state always was more of a “safety lock” to handle “misbehavior” of the user.
Regards, Volker
Edit: I’m pretty sure I got it (and as in many cases the problem was sitting in front of the laotop ).
After locking the states the effect unfortunately occoured again. Listening to it I didn’t have a single idea which of the other sounds stored in states could fit to what I heard.
So my only clue was: it can only be the stored sound but in some way manipulated - f.e. by external controllers - and this was exactly what happened.
Hives filter had a mapping to CC#01 but no mapping of an external controller to CC#01 and even though I generally predefine not used controller channels by binding a defined value on song load I didn’t have CC#01 in mind in this case.
So when I called a song before that had a binding from controllers to CC#01 cantabile remembered last value and as songs are not completely restored Hive reacted in the described way. This can also explain the fact that even calling up the sound in Hive again didn’t change anything.
@dave_dore: many thanks for “cross-thinking” - even though it wasn’t exactly the problem in the end it helped very much changing the way of thinking. At least it helped solving a problem in a few hours I couln’t get rid of during last two weeks!
Kind regards, Volker
Hey Volker,
Your own persistence and good troubleshooting got you there! I was just trying to gather evidence to look at. So pleased it’s figured and thanks for the post, it will help others. On a side note, Thank You for helping out with Cantabile from a way back, I got plenty of good info while using C2 on the old forum, you were always very helpful.
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