Soundcard or C3 to Bluetooth for in-ears?

Hi guys,
I have an idea for a cheap wireless inears.
Would it be possible to link my motu to a Bluetooth receiver so i can use my inears for it?
Is there a way to stream it to that channel from within cantabile?

No idea but please post back what you find. :slight_smile:

Hey @terrybritton ,
I consider you kinda Motu specialist :slight_smile:

Do you think it would be somehow possible to mix my motu OUT to a bluetooth receiver?
This way I could receive the sound wireless on my in ear headphones :slight_smile:
Is there any way?

I can now receive my computer output sound to the bluetooth. But sure there must be a way to route the computer sound to the motu?

I could always use something as this transmitter on the headphones jack.
I already ordered it from China :slight_smile:
Of course that would mean 2 dongles to take care of… But anyhow better than dragging a double 19 inch along for my wireless transmitters :slight_smile:

Ensure you’re using recent Bluetooth accessories - older stuff suffered from terrible latency (100+ms!)

I posted on KVR the same, some think this might have to much latency.

So I think it’s up to the music industry to create the first decent bluetooth sender/receiver set for inear :wink:

Still I’m not sure about latency, as some phones use bluetooth in ears, so that would be very unhandy. Never really used this, so I couldn’t tell.

Seems that we crossed messages :slight_smile:

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Seems there already is a BT v5 on the market, my china dongle is v3 I see :slight_smile:
It does have EDR:
Enhanced Data Rate (EDR) for faster data transfer. The nominal rate of EDR is about 3 Mbit/s, although the practical data transfer rate is 2.1 Mbit/s.[46] EDR uses a combination of GFSK and Phase Shift Keying modulation (PSK) with two variants, π/4-DQPSK and 8DPSK.[48] EDR can provide a lower power consumption through a reduced duty cycle.

All this because my wireless transmitter is to big, to much time to install and not stereo with allot of noise and drops even nearby :slight_smile:

That better V5 Bluetooth unit plugged into the headphone jack will likely do the trick.


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Thought so to, let’s start a search :slight_smile:

Ok I’ve got the stuff now and sorry to say, the delay is to long to be reasonable. Like 1 sec or so.
Pity because otherwise it works well, and cheap in ear
Maybe bluetooth v5 sender and receivers would do the job?!iBJBnCSI!2qegN5A-VMnVftRGcW5bpo6G6DC2C0YhRpFHFnEwicg

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Yeps, I think I’ve got the solution to not dragging a whole expensive inear setup with me :slight_smile:
I’ve bought this one and works great ! (almost) no latency.


You need to pick a Bluetooth transmitter that is capable of connected to any device and amplifying signals so that receivers can easily access the data without any distortion or disturbance.

I was checking that out on Amazon and it says their version of “low latency” is 40ms. If my sound card was doing 40ms latency I couldn’t play. Can you stay in time with 40ms?? :open_mouth:

Wel tbh, it’s not that practical, it works when listingin with 1 ear and the other live, but further more not


The chief difficulty with Bluetooth for live monitoring is latency.

I’m setting myself up to be able to run wired. I’m mostly a keyboard player, so the expense of wireless isn’t terribly important most of the time.

Why does BT have such a latency I wonder… you’d think any local form of wireless like that would be as instantaneous as any other. What’s going on in the tech there?

It depends on the Bluetooth version.
But I just don’t get it why any genious developer can’t create a wifi wireless for that?

There’s no heavy processing going on, why should a basic BT transmitter have any more latency than a typical radio transmitter for a guitar or mic? I guess the answer lies in the price…