Windows Update - Yes or No?

I’m curious to know whether users generally apply Windows 10 updates as they occur or not.
I’m asking as 2 weeks ago I started suffering BSOD (USBPORT.SYS) when changing songs. Last gig 5 times, totally unacceptable. Weird thing was that C2 functioned OK but Windows just kept crashing using C3. Contacted Brad who was very helpful and pointed out the only difference was C2 closed the USB port in between songs. This may not be the fault of an update but don’t know where else to point the finger.
I’ve had to rollback to a system backup taken in March and reconfigure 50+ songs. Seems to be stable now just in time for a weekend gig.

The only time I’ve had a problem with a Windows 10 update with Cantabile was fixed by reinstalling my audio driver, so I tend to be fairly ok with doing it. However I wouldn’t do an update within weeks of any live shows - I always spend some time doing updates of the OS, plugins etc. when I have a quiet period without gigs, in case anything goes wrong. I also have a second identical Cantabile machine (live backup), and only do updates on the second one once I’m sure the first one is running ok. I’m of the opinion that it’s generally a good idea to keep up with updates, but to do them at a controlled time.


Thanks Neil, sage advice. Do you run a backup beforehand or just a system checkpoint, just out of interest and common practice?

Just a checkpoint. All my settings and plugins are backed up via Dropbox, so I know I won’t lose anything, but restoring it all if it got completely trashed would take some number of hours. But as I have my second backup machine, restore time shouldn’t be a problem for me.


Thanks Neil. Good ideas. One last question, do you turn off the windows update service until you are ready to do the updates?

Yes, absolutely. I don’t want it happening mid-gig, in the soundcheck, or even a day or two before a show. I want to know I won’t need the machine for at least a week, before I risk doing Windows updates (unless I know there’s something in the update I need, which has never happened yet…).


Thanks Neil. Have just seen you are playing at HRH in March. I’m there too. Looking forward to seeing the band.

Hey, cool! Let’s try and hook up for a chat at the festival some time!


I sealed everything with windows advanced tweaker.
Who take the risk when your computer runs ok, right?