Windows 11 recommendations

Hello everyone! I’m new here and am so impressed with Cantabile. I used Reaper as a live vst host 7 or 8 years ago and Im really excited to build my rig in Cantabile. I just bought a new computer with windows 11 and noticed Windows 11 isn’t listed as a supported OS. Should I be concerned and can someone explain or link me to something explaining why? Thank you guys!

I’ve been running Cantabile on Win11 systems for quite some time now - no issues at all.

Just make sure that your audio interface has Win11 compatible drivers.



Nice that sets my mind at ease. But still curious why it’s not listed just for curiosity sake. Nice to know I wont run into another situation like I had with Nekos Music OS host.

I have Cantabile on Windows 11 and it works great.

  • Paul
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No issues.

It works on Windows 11, no issues with the latest build.

no problems here as well…