Windows 11 issues

I have a new laptop (Ryzen 7, Win 11). It’s been working amazing so far, huge step up from what I’ve been running on. Anyone else on Win 11 and has anyone had issues? I’ve noticed a few plugins not loading in Cantabile (but they work in Reaper, Mixcraft, etc.). I do run an older version of Cantabile solo, but that’s been fine in about every other respect.

The main plugins missing seem to the be the ones from Davidson Carpenter (EVINER, Lyrihorn, etc.).


Not running Win11 on music computers yet but have learned to try loading VST2 version if I encounter a problem with a plugin.

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Hi @FawltyTenor,

FWIW, I have two very similar systems (same plugins installed, Cakewalk and Cantabile installed) one running W10 and one running W11. Until now, I have been able to move around songs/racks/projects between the two systems without too much trouble. I use git to sync rack, songs, etc. between the two systems. In my (admittedly limited) experience, it seems that what works on W10 also works on W11.
