Windows 11 Device Power Management

Does anyone know of a tool or Powershell script that disables power management on ALL devices under Windows 11? Microsoft, in its infinite wisdom, re-enables the device power management property “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” after some Windows updates.

I run my laptops on AC power 99% of the time, so I typically disable power management on every device to optimize performance and prevent devices from going offline. However, the manual process of disabling this “feature”

in Device Manager is tedious and time-consuming. I would rather run a script at startup that disables power management on all devices than periodically check for devices that have had their power management setting re-enabled by a Windows update.

There probably exists a powershell script you can run on Windows Scheduler. I’ll look around.

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Powercfg has some options that might do what you need. Check this link:

This may not handle the Device Manager portion.


Thank you @dsteinschneider and @easteelreath for your suggestions. I found a Powershell script that was similar and substituted the class name (to MSPower_DeviceEnable). For anyone interested, this is the Powershell command line that will disable power management on all devices:

Set-CimInstance -Query ‘SELECT InstanceName FROM MSPower_DeviceEnable WHERE (Enable = True)’ -Namespace ‘root\WMI’ -Property @{Enable = $false}

I put this in a scheduled task that runs at login and it seems to work well.


I just came across this after upgrading from 10 to 11 on my DAW PC, and wondering why my USB device connection was intermittent, but only noticeable on some devices. I then checked the power management settings on my USB cards and noticed they were all enabled again

That powershell script sure is handy. I will make a note of that!