which soundcard are you using with Cantabile? Universal Audio, Focusrite Scarlet,…_
And which works very well for you on gigs and so on?
Hi Hubertus,
If your budget allows, the RME Babyface
RME Babyface Pro FS – Thomann United States
If your budget is tight like mine. I like the Behringer UMC202HD. I’ve gigged with it quite a bit and can run with buffers as low as 64 with Superior Drummer as the sole VST to 256 with more CPU intensive VST instruments.
Search Results - Page 1 - “umc202hd” – Thomann United States
I use the RME Fireface UC. Very reliable, best drivers, no issues, very flexible routing with TotalMix FX. Multiple outputs and inputs allow me to send more than a stereo pair to FOH (e.g. separate Bass channel) and use it as IEM receiver so I can listen to stereo keys even if I can only get mono signal from mixer. I could not do all of this with Babyface…
I would advise against those cheap Behringer ones especially for live gigging - with same buffer settings the performance is quite a bit lower (easier to get crackling), and 1/4" jacks so flimsy the outer jack is easily detached from the PCB inside. I needed to open up the interface and fix it a couple of times before abandoning it…
Thank you very much for your hints and tips!
The RME is certainly a great sound card with low latency, but unfortunately too expensive for me. I have the Behringer UMC204HD and think it’s quite okay, but I want to have a better sound of the VSTis.
My Flow8 from Behringer proves to me that this is very possible. Unfortunately, this one works firmly at 48 KHz, which sometimes leads to the collapse of the audio output. I used the Flow8 with ASIO4ALL for test purposes, where the output can be set to 44.1 KHz. I haven’t had any audio breakdown since then, but the latency is no longer as low as via the in-house drivers.
All in all, I’m looking for a USB sound card that offers both: low latency and good sound, without having to worry about dropouts and crawling.
What do you think/know about Motu M2, Universal Audio Volt 276, SSL 2+Mk2, Focusrite Scarlett 4th Generation. Has anyone had any experience with one of these sound cards?
Behringer XR-18. My main reasons:
- 18 balanced analogue inputs/ 8 balanced analogue outputs
- MIDI remote control from within Cantabile (e.g. open & close mic’s)
- Allows recording the entire show as multi-track within Cantabile
- Control software on Ethernet connection to same laptop as Cantabile
- Connects to PM-16 personal monitor mixers for each player
- IEC mains connection
- Sits out of the way and just gets on with its job
If you don’t need too many outputs, the Steinberg UR44C works great! In the other case, I use the Focusrite 18i20 with gives lot of outputs to keep instruments/tracks separate.
RME all the way!
I just bought a Fireface UC on ebay for 390€. It uses the same drivers as the latest UCX III, so it is future proof.
Focusrite Scarlet 2i4, which has been rock solid. Will be looking to upgrade this year computer, audio and MIDI, so likewise keen to see the info already above to think about different options
Rme babyface.
Very good and stable drivers
Lexicon Alpha… $20 and no issues. I keep waiting for a chance to upgrade, but the Alpha remains stable.
MOTU Ultralite Hybrid Mk3. I’ve had it for almost 15 years. It’s been trouble-free until a couple of months ago. Now some of its inputs are glitching out on me.
So, yesterday I violated the savings account and ordered a RME Fireface UFX III.
Thank you all for your for your tips and experience reports!
I was able to take over an almost unused Native Instruments DJ8. Great sound and low latency make my heart beat faster!
I just bought an IK Multimedia Axe I/O One (single input model) for $100 on Amazon (Gearnuts which is actually Sweetwater - was $129 on Sweetwater at the same time - need to talk to my rep about that). I put it through its paces last night and except for feeling more lightweight and plastic and only having a single input it functioned exactly the same as my Axe I/O Solo. It also came bundled with a version of Tonex functional enough to download the user models I’m using for bass with no download limit. I bought it for a friend bass player just getting into Cantabile and VST plugin amp and pedal emulation.
Presonus Quantum 26x32 with a pair of Presonus Digimax FS ADAT expansions. Super low latency that allows me to layer VST and hardware instruments.
motu m4. no complaints.
Behringer Flow8 with Steinberg drivers 48Khz.
Zero issues.
I think deliberately managing the amount of resources you use, to keep it as low as possible is always wise. Regardless of the hardware.
NO highload vst’s that can be a potential problem.
Save those for recording.
Just my take on it.