What does the green dotted line mean please?
The route is not enabled (No midi going through it). Put mouse on the route, right click, and then check enabled. Welcome to the Forum!
Hi Steve and Welcome to the Forum!
The dotted line means that the input route is disabled.
yours is blue, mine is green. when i right-click, “enabled” is already checked.
If a midi route is feeding a disabled rack (and I assume an improperly installed VSTi), the route will be dashed.
This EVI-NER is a breath controller that I assume requires some type of USB input from hardware. It may not work from the onscreen keyboard. EVI-NER may require the USB as a MIDI input.
I guessing on the breath controller; I’ve never dealt with one of those beasts.
Thanks; using an ewi 4000s with widi master. It was working at one point, but not now, and I don’t know why.
Hi @Brad,
After reading this post, I checked my Cantabile 4191, it looks like there is an inconsistency between the routing view and table view. When a rack is disabled, the wiring view shows both the rack and the route disabled, but the table view only shows the rack disabled. I think that the table view is correct, since route and rack have separate states.