VST3 vs VST2 in Cantabile

Hi All,

I there any significant/tangible benefit to using VST3s in Cantabile vs. VST2?

I keep my VSTs in a non-standard location that makes sense for my needs. Normally, I install the plugins wherever the package wants or needs, and then move or copy the DLLs (VST2) or VST3s to my preferred location. (This is not even necessary for most VST2s, as the install programs usually confirm the VST2 install folder.) I have one plugin, Addicted Drums 2, that will not ‘play nice’ with this method: XLN seems to record the install location somewhere (or hard-codes the link), and when it can’t find the files in Common Files\VST3 it refuses to execute the plugin. [If I read the XLN error messages, etc. properly they seem to feel that installing/executing in Common Files\VST3 is a hard requirement of VST3. I don’t agree, but I doubt I can convince them otherwise.] Since VST2 is not that picky, I’ve been using that version.

I know I can trick the system using symbolic links (MKLINK), but is it worth the bother? I have the VST2 working well, and I’m questioning whether I would gain anything by playing with smoke and mirrors.


I am finding many developers are only offering VST3 with their newer products, and many are ending their support for VST2. I try to use VST3 as much as possible just so everything is consistent.

Yes, I prefer to stay with the newer format, too. Unfortunately, I also try to keep the data for all of my apps on a drive other than C: Why? Because if I have an OS problem later, I can do a clean install of Windows without losing any of my work.

In this case, I would need to either a) make an exception where I store/run the VST3; or b) resort to tricking windows with a folder alias. I don’t like either answer, so I’m just trying to figure out if staying with the VST2 for now is the right decision.

A few of the developers are now requiring the dll in their specific location, or it will not work. It makes no sense, unless it is easier to get a call home.

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Quite simply that is now to Steinberg’s licensing arrangements - they want to kill VST2, which (to them) has outstayed its welcome as VST3 has even available for quite a while.\

Me? I am migrating to 3 where I can as you do get the advantage of VST3 not adding a processor load when they are not active. That is enough for me, esp as I am often pushing performance due to my love of layering

@Corky That makes no sense at all – other than it allows hard-coding of addresses and other bad software practices. I’m fine with them putting them in their favorite folder, just don’t force us to keep them there!

I’m definitely in favor of migrating to VST3 – if there are no issues with the migration. Many plugin developers have simply recompiled their code with the new SDK, which does not make the plugin a true VST3, IMHO. I have a couple of plugins that run beautifully as VSTs, yet have limitations/flaws in their VST3s. Then there are silly little things like XLN Audio refusing to run their plugins from anywhere except the installation folder … while requiring that folder to be the Common Files\VST3 folder.

I know that VST3s are supposed to drop processor load when not being used, but I’m not sure how well that is working in practice. I’ve tried running, idling, and suspending VST3s in Cantabile, and more than half of the ones I tried don’t seem to offer any significant CPU or Time Load bonus. Again, I suspect this is because the plugin wasn’t rewritten to take advantage of VST3, just recompiled to get a .vst3 file extension.

If I had to recap this thread from the perspective of my original question, the big reason to move to VST3 is fear of obsolescence, right? If so, I can move the ones that work well, and just wait until I’m forced to move on the few that have issues. Anyone else think of something that was missed?

That is exactly what I said.

More and more companies are dropping VST2 very quickly. Just as Windows will drop support for 11 soon. Or, computer chips and USB size is changing at record speeds. It’s mostly about $$$ They don’t want me to keep my Win 7. They make sure many new Kontakt libraries must run on Kontakt 8. It is all insane, and there isn’t a damn thing we can do about it. Yet, we make the decision to follow like sheep. Or, we could just stay where we are, and watch time pass. Nah…I have too much invested to fight it.

Good Luck


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I saw a Fazioli for Kontakt (Claire) and… Yes, it’s for Kontakt 8.

I opted to not upgrade to Komplete 15, but now K8 would be useful. Sometimes I wonder if these mainstream developers, do everything to drive people to strange place. You know, it’s the place, beyond the old iron curtain, where licenses are created magically out of the blue. At least I think that place is in those areas. No offense to the people living there.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I stay other way (VST2) for same reason.

Unless Cantabile forces VST3, I hope I never change from VST2. Then, I might consider freezing Cantabile upgrades until something caught my eye. I would still be on Win7-64 for the Cantabile Laptop if Kemper Profiler hardware had not forced Win10 for OS upgrade (Improved Hardware Functions which I wanted). Nothing in this forum has pointed my needle from VST2 toward VST3; so far, VST3 seems like a bunch of “possible” problems. I’m stable now with VST2 Win10 64 and see no reason to change. I think the last new plugin I installed was at least three years ago…

It’s a piano/violin/synth/etc… Can anyone in the audience tell a difference at 110+dB? One drunk to the other, “OMG… the keyboardist is still playing VST2… I’m leaving!” I’m playing 40 year old songs on 5 year old VSTs. If it sounds bad, it’s me, not the VST.

Now…I’m shutting up.

I will take my surfing PC to Win11 when forced by MS this October.