VST Plugins not found

Hi there, i use Cantabile 3 Performer already for a long time. At the moment i am about to choose newer VSTs for my performances. Therefore i installed the x64 Version - I used the x86 Version since i had a lot of old free VSTs. Now i find that even though i have the correct paths for the plugin folders Cantabile does not find the plugins. When i browse directly tot he x64 plugin of eg Toxic Biohazard i can add the plugin as a new object in C3 x64. I also have the VST3 of Kontakt. Cantabeile found the plugin once after i readded the plugin folder. Now C3 doesnt find any plugins whatsoever. When i browse directy to Kontakt the is an error message.

When i rescan the folders he scans…but nothing ist displayed after. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that i have Cx86 jnstalled as well? No idea…

My Version is 3702.

Many thanks Spaced

Ist sorted…the answer was not to mix 64 and 32bit VSTs in the same folder. But mainly just put only the 64bit folders in the search options for plugins. If u mix the folders it doesnt find anything…weird but so it behaved in my case…cu Spaced