Hi there, i use Cantabile 3 Performer already for a long time. At the moment i am about to choose newer VSTs for my performances. Therefore i installed the x64 Version - I used the x86 Version since i had a lot of old free VSTs. Now i find that even though i have the correct paths for the plugin folders Cantabile does not find the plugins. When i browse directly tot he x64 plugin of eg Toxic Biohazard i can add the plugin as a new object in C3 x64. I also have the VST3 of Kontakt. Cantabeile found the plugin once after i readded the plugin folder. Now C3 doesnt find any plugins whatsoever. When i browse directy to Kontakt the is an error message.
When i rescan the folders he scans…but nothing ist displayed after. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that i have Cx86 jnstalled as well? No idea…
My Version is 3702.
Many thanks Spaced