VPS Avnger 50% Off

Hi. Just thought I’d point out that VPS are having a 10th anniversary sale on VPS Avenger and Plugins, with 50% off…

VPS Avenger (discount code is given in badge on top right of web page)

I’ve been waiting for this one to come on sale for a while, so that could be the trigger pulled!


Hmm… tempted… I watched some of the tutorial videos - this thing is powerful!

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It definitely is powerful - but be sure to check out the demo before buying. When I last used it within Cantabile, it had a funny CPU utilization behavior, with pretty hefty peaks at the beginning of each note, then dropping down substantially. I suspect that’s something to do with its note allocation algorithm and a complex initialization or something similar.

I really like this beast, but I’ve now dropped it out of my live arsenal for this reason. Don’t know if this has been improved or fixed in recent versions, though - any info appreciated!



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Interesting @Torsten - what do you use instead then?

Currently mainly u-he Hive; with the 2.0 update, it’s a real tone monster! I’m trying to consolidate most of my analog synth sounds to my Hive Rack(s) - reducing complexity.

There are still songs that use OP-X II, FabFilter Twin, Repro, Rob Papen Blue 2, but I’m working on replacing most of them with Hive. Will not be 1:1 soundwise, but certainly similar characteristics, good enough for live.

My synth requirements aren’t really fancy - mostly classic subtractive synthesis (Hive) with a tiny bit of FM (Dexed) or wavetable synthesis. Maybe a bit of rompler synthesis, but M1 can do that…

And with Cantabile, I can layer it all to death anyhow :sunglasses:




Sounds like the same behavior I notice with Diva. But my Cantabile Build is outdated and I’ve not tested the new CPU-modes Cantabile provides. It might work better with that.

Confirm this behaviour. Cant work with Avenger (latest version at this moment) on stage, but it is really big beast in studio. very powerful

kind regards

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+1 on Hive - and any U-HE synth. And Hive 2 is even better.

I’ll hopefully get to install and play with Avenger later on today, so will also check the behaviour. I am not too fussed if I can only use it for studio, as that is what I have it in mind for in terms of a specific project I wish to start in the autumn. But it will be a shame if it cannot be used live as well.

As an extensive Avenger user and producer I can confirm this.

It has mainly dance oriented expansions and the producer Manuel is genious in his programming.
I made some skins, analog and synthwave extensions also for it. www.encountersmedia.be

Avenger has CPU problems especially on Asio and some Mac. It works comfortably in wasapi and because of the power you can easily program cpu hogs.
Even some sample layers will give you cpu spikes.
And loading the gui takes seconds.
Unfortunately the Dev won’t really listen to the complaints.
In live situations it’s rather risky but if you use it wisely it’s very powerful.

For me it’s the only synth that is so powerful up to now. Besides many others also have CPU hunger.
I’ve been looking into others also but only Avenger can handle up to 8 osc that can layer even 4 samples per osc and with drums, arp, seq, extensive mod matrix, multi synthesis,… !
The filters are ok and in the upcoming 1.5 update there will even be better analog filters.

I can use it as a solo synth in reaper for my Depeche mode project. One preset with a full song programmed.
I’ve found out that with using jbridge i can have better latency or spikes protection.

I have many famous sounds also recreated with it and still many in the pocket.

I recommend it. Of course :slight_smile::sweat_smile:

Unfortunately not - latest build of Cantabile and Avenger here. Created a simple single-OSC lead sound with a bit of voice layering (I think 4 layers). On triggering the note, Cantabile CPU load climbs to 30%, then goes down and settles around 9% (even with wild aftertouch filter modulations). Striking the same note repeatedly keeps the level at 30%, while holding long notes and working with pitch bend or aftertouch allows the CPU level to settle down. So it looks like something CPU-straining is happening on voice initialization…

Not really something I’d want on stage - I need CPU load to be somewhat more predictive.




I know the frustration :-/
Please send a note to the dev, maybe after the 500th complaint they will fix it and not pretending we are seeing ghosts :wink: