Virgin Choir problem

I have the latest Cantabile v3 and v4 installed and working perfectly.

Problem is with one vst on one machine. My live show laptop.

Running windows 11

The vst is called Virgin Choir and refuses to show up in Cantabile 32/64

I can load it in my DAW but not Cantabile. Any ideas?

Is the dll in the correct VST folder? May have to add folder to Cantabile Options Tab.
Is it a 64 bit? Or it is a 32 bit wrapper used (JBridge)?
Is the correct version of Cantabile running with regards to 32 vs 64 bit?

If running Cantabile 64, got to have a wrapper for 32 bit plugs
If running Cantabile 32, may not run 64 bit plugs (never done this…)

My experience it to never have 64 and 32 components on the same machine. I always end up getting them confused.

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Yeah man. I tried 32 and 64 version of the plug-in and Cantabile. I also use Jbridge and that’s not pickin it up either.

It’s in the correct folder.

I initially thought perhaps windows 11 was the culprit but it loads in Reaper and GP4.

It’s a head scratcher for sure!

Cantabile 4118 on Windows 11, seems Ok.

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Same here. Put the dll in the VST folder and did a quick scan.

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It’s a mystery!

I’m not new and have been using Cantabile on tour for 6 years and I feel like a total dunce right now. Still not workin for me

Been there, got multiple T-shirts…

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I have the hat!

Did you try browsing to the .dll file directly? If you can do that and it will load, that would tell you that your Cantabile is at least able to run the plugin. Take one question or if the picture.

Did you try a Full rescan of all your Plugins? Sometimes that heals mysterious wounds.

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Going directly to the plugin allows me to load it.

I did multiple full rescans and its still not visible.

Cantabile is taking a while to shut down as well since I implemented the plugin.

Somethings screwy for sure!

Thank you

Another useful approach to debugging is as follows:

  1. in Cantabile, select Tools-> Open settings folder

  2. close Cantabile and load the file log.txt (from the opened settings folder) into a text editor

  3. with the search function of the text editor, search for the name (or part of the name) of the plugin

If the name cannot be found, it probably means that the plugin is not in a folder which is considered by Cantabile. If it is found, maybe the log file will also report why it has not been loaded.

At least, this procedure has helped me a few times.


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I will try that!

It seems the issue is limited to my live rig only.

I am not able to replicate the issue on any of my other machines.

Thanks everyone for the suggestions.

Perhaps if I uninstall cantabile completely and reinstall it will fix it?

I’m just worried about losing my complete catalog of songs I have built.

I would do that just as an extremely last resort!

well…song and rack files are usually stored in a subfolder under your User folder (e.g. Users\Your_Name\Documents\Cantabile) and that folder is not deleted when Cantabile is uninstalled…so it should be already there when you reinstall it.


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Just another idea, have you tried

  • close Cantabile
  • delete the plugins.json and plugins.cache.json in the settings folder
  • restart Cantabile and let it do a full blind scan of your plugins. When it doesn’t see them it will start from scratch and re-create the files.

You can save your plugin files to a safe folder if you are concerned about this. Maybe it will do something …


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I will try that!

Thanks again.
