Vienna Symphonic Library

That’s the plan! We are indeed squirreled away, writing the next IQ album! And that’s partly why I’m trying to get this symphonic library to work well in Cantabile - I want to use some magnificently vast orchestral sounds on it :slight_smile:



Look forward to it. Cannot help on the ask as I do not use big libraries, but hopefully you’ll crack it.

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Hi @Neil_Durant,

Obviously the best solution would be for the plugin to expose some better control over this so I’d be getting in touch with VSL and asking for it. I wouldn’t be surprised if others are asking for similar.

What exactly were the issues?

Is there a load time associated with switching articulations? My guess would be loading a sample set would also load anything required for each articulation.

What about using one plugin instance per sound set and using states to switch articulations?


The issues I got were basically that a few of the articulation selections (driven from a note played from a binding) got lost in the plugin somewhere, sometimes, so it didn’t feel reliable.

Yes, there’s some load time associated with switching articulations, although it’s small. In the UI, when you switch articulation, it then shows new UI for what variations of that articulation you now have access to, and if you select one of those, you may get a further level of control appearing. So I don’t know if it’s loading new samples in when you select an articulation, but it’s at least doing some reconfiguration.

I’m fairly sure that different articulations do use different sample sets, since they’re things like fast or slow played violins, which have different tone, violin notes that are very expressively bowed, or played “straight”, and more elaborate things such as trills, slides, notes with tremolo etc.

This evening I’ve been setting up a rack with multiple plugin instances, just as you suggest, and that seems to be by far the most robust solution so far. I don’t need to be switching articulations mid-song, so this suits me fine.

Thank you all, for your various suggestions!
