Video and Music Liveperformace?

I no it is a bit crazzy idee of me :-).
I got a Beamer, so I have the possiblity to bring Videothings in to my liveperformance. Is there anybody he/she no how I can realize this with cantabile 3? I mean is there a way, to geth the videosignal out for example VGA and the sound of the video at my soundcard?

Thanks for your ideeas.
Best Regard

Hi bladi,

If you use Windows the way I would do it would be to use triggers to launch the (external) A/V program you want using a video player of your choice. The audio from the video software will play through your WASPI drivers and allows you to run your Cantabile either through ASIO or WASAPI drivers at the same time.


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Hi Dave_dore

Thanks for your Input. Now it works well and I can start my videos over triggers. One Question I have at latest, is there any possibility to start this trigger if I start a wav, mp3 songfile ?



I do that this way:

  • In the song I create a media player in a slot and load the mp3 song I want
  • Set the main transport to media player I am using in this case media player 1

create trigger on same song by

  • setting the event to transport play or resume
  • set action to external execute program
  • set target to desired video file

note: the target file in my example uses the default windows media player as the executable so the target is easier to specify.

Now when you press the play on main transport both files start to play from same switch! Hope this helps.



Hi dave_dore

Cool now it works prety well.

Thanks for your interessting inputs.

Awesome! :smile:

Glad this came up!


Would anyone be interested in the Media Player handling video playback directly?
This is probably as legit a file format as any audio file to be using during a live performance.
