Using Kirnu/Cream (or other Arps) in Cantabile

Just downloaded Arto Vaarala’s Kirnu 1.2 Arpeggiator. In Reaper and other DAWs, it is easy to create a send from one instrument to another instrument, but in Cantabile because Kirnu is registered as an instrument instead of a VST, I can’t figure out how to get it to send it to another VSTi (I’m using TAL-U-NO-62). Any help? Thanks

It works nicely in Cantabile - you just need to create the right routes. Since Kirnu is registered as an instrument, Cantabile creates a default audio output route when you insert Kirnu, but that one is useless, since Kirnu doesn’t create any audio output.

So, to use Kirnu, you create a route from your keyboard to Kirnu, then you simply delete the “stereo out” route from Kirnu, create a new one from its “Midi out” to your VST instrument, and all should work out nicely.




Sounds like the thought of thing where a pre-built rack rwrapping up this Kimu with the right routings, would be a good thing to do?

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