Using Cantibile as a MIDI merger

My live setup centers primarily around a Motif XS Rack and multiple keyboards, each of which is set to a single MIDI channel (bottom keyboard = ch 1, top keyboard ch 2, clonewheel ch3, etc.). I have a MOTU Microlite 5 in/5 out MIDI interface.

Is there a way to use Cantibile to merge all of the Microlite inputs into one of the microlites MIDI outputs?

Thanks in advance -

Hi @PatAzzMusic

I think Cantabile should handle this quite easily like so:

  1. In Options -> MIDI Ports, create a MIDI Input Port called “All Microlite In” and connect all the Microlite Inputs to it.
  2. In Options -> MIDI Ports, create a MIDI Output Port called “Microlite Out” and connect it to the one Microlite Output.
  3. Create a song and in the Input Ports group create MIDI route from “All Microlite In” to “Microlite Out”

There are other ways too. eg: you could create 5x input ports and create 5x routes to the one output port.


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Thanks Brad. I’ll work on getting it put together using your guidance.