Using Cantabile with Yamaha moxF as audio interface

Thanks guess I will either use my midi controller and forget using the moxF for Cantabile or attempt some other way to play plugins using a DAW

try checking them all on the inputs to see if one of them works for starters

Have turned them all on and still nothing

do you have another DAW that uses the motif for comparison or only Cantabile? The issue may be on the setup of the Motif hardware configuration as well. A lot to consider. You’ve done it all by the book so I am perplexed!

Yes I use Cubase Artist and it works fine with all my keyboards

Clint, thanks for the answers, this all looks right so I am hoping maybe @brad might be able to help.


No one has replied to this issue for me .I have given up trying to use the Yamaha moxF with Cantabile for now .