Using audio looper vst?


First of all I’d like to say Cantabile is the best. It prioritizes live playing over noodling in a DAW!

I am having difficulty getting vst plug-ins that do looping to work. These plug-ins do work with other vst hosts like Nanohost, but not Cantible?

I use several audio loopers just fine with Cantabile. My favourites are Audio Damage’s Enso and Melda’s MSuperLooper.

What’s the problem you’re having?

I have those as well, but they are not capturing any audio? Is there something that needs to be configured for the audio engine? I can record audio just fine via the record button on the main toolbar.

You just need to route your audio properly. No problems with either of those loopers (or others) here.

Maybe some screen shots to show us how you have things set up?