Use of Metronome with Autorecord

Hi Joel,

Brad is likely not online now but if I may, that was what he meant. Download version 3636 and install it and the auto-record method he described to you will act correctly, I tried it last evening after the update and it worked for me. I edited my original instructions post above to reflect that the bug had been addressed and therefore the method was different. I hope it works for you in a way that will get it done …



Just for completeness, 3636 is the current experimental build release. The experimental builds are available from the downloads page and the release notes page:

Well, I just updated my subscription, and tried the Autorecord. Not only did it not appear to stop when I stopped playing while the metrnome continued to beat, but when i tried to listen to the recording to verify what happened, I could see the progress bar moving along and the seconds ticking down - but no sound!! I am quite frustrated. What am I doing wrong?

Oh, I almost forgot, Autorecord is also not working. It only started to record when I clicked the record button. The autorecord indicator light is no longer lit up!

Never mind the autorecord not working. It must have gotten switched off when I updated my subscription. I switched the indicator back on, and it did record, and I could hear the playback. BUT, it STILL didn’t stop when the piano stopped. I don’t get it. Do I have to do something beyond just updating my subscription? sorry I don’t know the ins and outs of this stuff, but I wouldn’t think it should be so difficult to get this to happen.

Hi Joel,


Do your settings look like this? There is a 10 second wait shown in my picture before the recorder stops after it senses no more MIDI notes being played. Is yours set the same, you might not have waited long enough for it to auto stop the recorder. You can set the period shorter if you want but that period of silence or no midi activity is how it knows to stop the recorder.


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I re-read the thread, and if I understand correctly, a new subscription actually wouldn’t do it. I’d have to download the experimental build. Which i did.

But when I re-opened Cantabile after installing 3636 and tried auto-record again, it DIDN’T RECORD AT ALL.

I double checked. Yes, 3636 is now recognized as the installed version. Yes, the autorecord indicator light is on. Yes, all the autorecord settings are just as they were, duplicating the settings Brad showed earlier in this thread with only MIDI input checked.

So why is is now not only not stopping when I want, but it isn’t starting either?

Actually Dave, I have it set to stop after 5 seconds. But i can’t get it to start or stop now. I really appreciate your ;kind attention. I’m just really frustrated, largely with my own ignorance. But there has to be something else. If I’ve got 3636 installed, the indicator light is on, and the settings mirror Brad’s, I don’t know why nothing is happening.

No problem Joel, let’s take it a step at a time, you have the settings right.

Next you would check the Ports to Record pane and see if the audio port you want to record is checked and the MIDI Input port for the keyboard you are playing is also checked. Also check that the MIDI Input route for your keyboard is showing activity on the MIDI indicators when you play the keyboard. See if all that checks out and if so it should work, if not let me know what is not checking out from the checks I described.


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I really don’t quite understand each port does. Heck, I thought maybe it was a midi port I would want to have selected, since it’s a midi vst I’m playing, isn’t it? But, as it happens, I have 2 ports checked in the Ports to Record pane: Main Speakers (Audio Output) and Metronome (Audio Output), and those appear to be the only audio outputs, so I would think I had that part right.

As far as activity, when I play with the Routing Table view showing, the indicators on the right side of the Table show activity. As far as the “MIDI input route for your keyboard,” when I switch from the Recordings pane to the Monitor pane and play, the indicator lights for both Main Keyboard and USB light up. I would think that would also be what I want to see.

So if (and that’s a big IF) I’m following you correctly, I believe I have everything set correctly (if only in some instance by accident). Yet it’s not working. Am I misunderstanding your instructions, or is there something else to check?

Just to be real sure. These are the ones you have checked in the Ports to Record

Main Keyboard MIDI Input ( I assume this is your keyboard you are routing to the VST)


and these 2 Audio ports


Sorry if this is redundant I just want to be sure.


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Well, crap. I clearly got something wrong before. I think I misunderstood something said earlier, and checked only the 2 audio ports. When I checked the Main Keyboard, it started working. Like I said, a lot of my difficulties come from my own ignorance.

Dave, thanks a million. I’d love to buy you a drink!

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Glad we got it going Joel! :grinning:

FWIW when you have multiple audio ports selected for recording the recorder records them as multi tracks meaning the Main Speakers Out would be on channel 1 and 2 and the Metronome on channels 3 and 4. When you play back the file you won’t hear the metronome until you select “Edit Current File Settings” for the player you are using for playback.


Once the setting window opens you can add Port Assignments for channels 3 and 4 to the list

Here the list is with channels 3 and 4 added to the media player Stereo Out


Now when you play the file back you can hear the performance audio and the metronome audio.



Dave -

Thanks for this. Yet again my ignorance comes to the fore. I didn’t have Media Player as a separate object before. Instead, I would just go open the file where the recordings are and play it back from there.
So I just clicked Add Object, and found Media Player as an option, which of course I chose. But apparently there is something else I have to do. “Stereo Out Output Port-Main Speakers” was checked by default. But when I right clicked on Media Player, “Edit Current File Settings” was grayed out. What do I have to do to activate it?

Hi Joel,

It should only be greyed out if you haven’t actually loaded the file into the top slot of the playlist. Instead it is empty or set to “None”

“None” = Edit file settings are greyed out


Click on the field and you can load the slot with the file you want to edit the settings on.

not greyed out, now you can edit



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Hey Dave -

I don’t even understand what you mean by loading the file into the top slot of the playlist. I thought every time I played something, it automatically created a file. I’m sure I’m not understanding this at all correctly, but this sounds like I have to load a file each time I resume playing - which, if so, defeats the whole purpose of automating the recording process. That can’t be right.

Sorry for being so dense, but what exactly is “the file” and how do I load it into the top slot? I see the “Playlist Editor” at the top of the right-click menu. I’m guessing I have to do something with that, but I don’t know what.

Hey Joel,

Does this show it OK? With the sandwich menu open you select a file. If you choose “(None)” at the top of the list you will have no file loaded and that is what greys out the edit selection.


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I’m not familiar with the term “sandwich menu.” All I did was add a field for Media Player. My field is blank where yours says “1:metronome55…”
When I click on that blank field, I get a new menu to open that says “Choose File (None).” Clicking on none does nothing.
When I right click on the blank field, it says “Create Binding.” When I click on that, a new Learn Binding window opens up, but I don’t know if this is where I add Metronome, and if so, how.

Hi Joel,

A sandwich menu is also called a drop-down menu, does that click?

Anyway so it sounds like no files are loaded into the player. Try this

  • go to the recordings tab on the sidebar and at the top to get to the latest recordings you’ve made and right click on one and choose Add to Media Player 1’s playlist.


  • it should be loaded into the media player and ready to go


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Again, I’m not following. I had deleted all the prior recordings so I created a new recording with piano and metronome. It stopped recording when I stopped playing.

I clicked on it in the playlist. I notice the file in your example is named “Metronome.” I’m assuming you named it that just for purposes of this example, and not because that’s all that was playing. Mine had my standard default name by date.

I right clicked on it, and as you said, Edit Current File Settings was no longer grayed out. But when I chose it, then clicked Add, I only got Ch.3 as an additional choice. I chose it, then clicked Add again. Still didn’t get a 4th channel. But I figured I’d try it anyway.

So I started playing, with just Channel 3 chosen. It did start to record. And when I stopped playing, the record button turned back to gray from red. BUT: 1) This time the metronome did NOT stop; and 2) when I manually stopped it, the new recording did NOT show up in the play list.

I don’t know why, but actually selecting the Media Player in the sandwich menu seems to have made things worse!